To Associate a Ledger with at Least One Company
In MYOB Advanced, you associate existing ledgers with companies as follows:
- To associate a ledger with multiple companies, you use the Ledgers (GL201500) form.
- To associate multiple ledgers with a particular company, you use the Companies (CS101500) form.Note: You can associate only one ledger of the Actual type with a company.
For details on ledgers, see Managing Ledgers.
Note: To open any form, you can navigate to it or
search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods). For more information
about search capabilities, see Search.
Before You Proceed
Before you start associating ledgers with branches, make sure that the necessary ledgers have been added on the Ledgers (GL201500) form. For details, see To Add an Actual Ledger.
To Associate a Ledger with Multiple Companies
- Open the Ledgers (GL201500) form.
- In the Ledger ID box of the Summary area, select the ledger of the Actual type to which all financial transactions will be posted for the company.
- On the Companies tab, for each company that you want to
associate with
selected ledger, do the following:
- On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
- In the Company column, select the identifier of the company.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
To Associate Multiple Ledgers with a Particular Company
- Open the Companies (CS101500) form.
- In the Company ID box of the Summary area, select the company with which you want to associate each ledger listed on the Ledgers tab for the selected company.
- On Ledgers tab, do the following for each ledger that you
want to associate with
selected company:
- On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
- In the Ledger column, select the identifier of the ledger.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.