Running of Allocations: Related Forms
In this topic, you can find information about forms that provide inquiry and historical data related to allocations that have been run in the system.
Viewing Generated Batches for a Particular Allocation
You can view the generated batches for a particular allocation in the following ways:
- To view the most recent batches that have been generated for active allocations in a particular period, you use the Run Allocations (GL504500) form. On this form, you select a period in the Post Period box, and then the system displays the reference numbers of the last generated batches for active allocations in the Last Batch column of the table. By clicking a particular link in this column, you can view the details of the corresponding batch on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form.
- To view the list of the batches that have been generated for a particular allocation, you use the Allocation History tab of the Allocations (GL204500) form. On this tab, you can find information on the ledgers to which the transactions are posted, the dates of the transactions, the post periods, the statuses, and the total amounts of the batches. By clicking a particular link in the Batch Number column, you can view the details of the corresponding batch on the Journal Transactions form.