Depreciation Suspension
Sometimes it is necessary to stop calculating depreciation of a fixed asset for some number of financial periods. In this case, you can suspend depreciation of the asset. Suspension stops depreciation; then, when you restart depreciation, the system resumes depreciation calculation and extends the asset life for the number of periods the asset has been suspended to ensure full depreciation. Suspension can be used if, for example, some asset is not used without disposal and becomes temporarily inactive.
In MYOB Advanced, you can suspend an asset with the Active status starting from the current business date. After you suspend an asset, the system stops posting the depreciation transactions into the books, thus suspending the depreciation process. The asset status is changed to Suspended.
The system generates a line to the asset depreciation history for suspended assets with the amount of 0 for each period that you did not depreciate. You can view the history of asset depreciation on the Depreciation tab of the Fixed Assets (FA303000) form.
To start the depreciating the asset again, you resume the depreciation of the asset starting at the beginning of the financial period you specified.