AR Invoices with Retainage: Mass-Processing of Documents
Mass-Releasing Retainage
To release retainage for multiple invoices, you use the Release AR Retainage (AR510000) form. In the Selection area, in the Date box, you select the date for which you want to create the retainage invoices. The system fills in the Post Period box with the period of the selected date. (You can change it, if necessary.) You can specify other settings to filter the invoices in the table, such as customer, project, project task, account group, cost code, and inventory ID. You also can specify the percent of retainage to be released in the Retainage Percent box for all invoices in the table.
In the table, for each invoice for which you want to release retainage, you should review the Percent to Release or Retainage to Release column, and change the value in either column, if necessary. You then select the check boxes in the unlabeled column for the invoices for which you want to release the retainage and then click Process on the form toolbar. If you want to release the retainage for all listed invoices, you click Process All on the form toolbar.