Initial Configuration: To Establish the Store Connection with a Custom App
The following activity will walk you through the process of creating a custom Shopify app and connecting your Shopify store to your MYOB Advanced instance with the credentials of the custom app.
Suppose that the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company wants to sell jam in its online store , which is deployed on the Shopify platform. SweetLife is already using MYOB Advanced and now needs to integrate its instance with a new Shopify store. As SweetLife's implementation consultant, you need to create and install a custom app in your Shopify store and establish the connection between MYOB Advanced and the Shopify store using the app's credentials .
Process Overview
In this activity, you will create a custom app in your Shopify store and assign it the necessary access permissions. Then you will install the app to generate an access token for it. Finally, use will use the app's credentials to connect MYOB Advanced to your Shopify store.
System Preparation
Before you start this activity, do the following
- Make sure you have deployed an MYOB Advanced instance and made it publicly accessible through the internet.
- Make sure you have set up a Shopify store, as described in Initial Configuration: To Set Up a Shopify Store.
- Sign in to MYOB Advanced by using the gibbs username and the 123 password.
- Sign in to the Shopify store as the store owner.
Step 1: Creating a Custom App
Before you can establish a connection between your instance of MYOB Advanced and the online store, you need to create a custom app for the store as follows:
- In the Shopify admin area, in the lower left, click .
- In the top right, click Develop apps.
- On the page that opens, click Create an app.
- In the Create an app dialog box, specify the following
- App name: Acumatica ERP Custom
- App developer: The account of the app
The app developer can be the store owner or any staff or collaborator account with the Develop apps permission.
- Click Create app.
The system creates the custom app, closes the dialog box, and opens the page of the Acumatica Custom app.
Step 2: Specifying the App Permissions
After you have created the custom app, you need to assign API scopes to it. To do this, while you are still viewing the Acumatica Custom page, do the following:
- On the Overview page, click Configure Admin API scopes.
- In the Admin API access scopes section of the Configuration tab, select the check boxes for all listed scopes.
- In the Webhook subscriptions section, leave the default value, which is the current version of the Shopify API.
- In the lower right, click Save to save your changes.
Step 3: Obtaining the API Credentials
To obtain an access token and shared secret for the custom app, while you are still viewing the Acumatica Custom page, do the following:
- On the API credentials tab, click Install app.
- In the dialog box that opens, click Install.
The system generates an access token and closes the dialog box.
- In the Admin API access token section, click
Reveal token once.Important: The access token is displayed only once because it provides API access to sensitive store data. You should save it to a secure location because you will not be able to reveal it again.
In the API key and secret key section, notice the API secret key. You will use it along with the access token to connect the Shopify store to your MYOB Advanced instance.
Step 4: Establishing the Store Connection
To establish a connection with the Shopify store, in your instance of MYOB Advanced, do the following:
- Open the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form.
- In the Store Name box of the Summary area, specify SweetStore - SP.
- On the Connection Settings tab, use the information that
you have captured in the previous step to specify the settings as follows:
- In the Store Admin URL box, enter the path of
your Shopify store with /admin added to the end.
The full URL usually looks like this: https://<store name>
- In the API Access Token box, enter the access token that was generated for the custom app that you have installed in your Shopify store.
- In the API Secret Key box, enter the API secret key that was generated for the custom app that you have installed in your Shopify.
- In the Store Admin URL box, enter the path of
your Shopify store with /admin added to the end.
- On the form toolbar, click Save to save your changes.
- Click Test Connection to verify that you have specified
the connection settings correctly.
If the connection test is successful, you can proceed to specifying the required settings for entities, customers, inventory, orders, and payments.