Product Synchronization: Settings of Individual Items
By default, the availability and visibility settings defined for the store on the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form are applied to all stock and non-stock items exported to the Shopify store. However, you can override the default values for a particular item, as described in the sections below.
Excluding Items from Synchronization
You can exclude an individual stock or non-stock item from synchronization with the Shopify store (or any other e-commerce system) by clearing the Export to External System check box on the eCommerce tab of the Stock Items (IN202500) or Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form.
The status of an item in MYOB Advanced affects the purchasability status of the item in Shopify. If the item's status in MYOB Advanced is Inactive, No Sales, or Marked for Deletion—that is, if any of these options is selected in the Status box in the Summary area of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form or the Stock Items (IN202500) form—after the synchronization of the relevant entity, these items appear with the Online Store sales channel cleared, regardless of the Availability setting of this item in MYOB Advanced.
Visibility of an Exported Item
You can specify the visibility settings for an individual item on the eCommerce tab of the Stock Items (IN202500) or Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form. To make the item visible on the storefront immediately after it is exported, you select Visible in the Visibility box. To make the item available in the admin area of Shopify store but hidden from the storefront, you select Invisible in this box.
The option selected in the Visibility box for a particular item takes precedence over the default visibility setting specified for the store. If Store Default is selected, the store's default visibility setting applies.
Availability of an Exported Item
By default, the availability settings defined for the store on the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form are applied to all stock and non-stock items exported to the Shopify store. However, you can override the default values for a particular stock item on the eCommerce tab of the Stock Items (IN202500) form and for a particular non-stock item on the same tab of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form.
The options available for selection in the Availability box on the eCommerce tab are similar to the options of the Default Availability box on the Shopify Stores form with the following exceptions:
- The Set as Available (Track Qty.) option does not appear in the Availability box for non-stock items.
- The Store Default option (which is not in the Default
Availability box) is available in the Availability
box for stock and non-stock items. When this option is selected, the system applies the
setting selected in the Default Availability box on the
Inventory Settings tab of the Shopify Stores
Because the tracking of quantities is not applicable to non-stock items, if Default Availability in the store settings is set to Set as Available (Track Qty.) and Availability of a non-stock item is set to Store Default, after the non-stock item is exported to the Shopify store, it is available for purchase but its quantity is not tracked.
Additionally, for a stock item, if the Set as Available (Track Qty.) option is selected in the Availability box on the eCommerce tab, you need to specify the action that the system should perform if after the synchronization of the Product Availability entity, the item has an available quantity of zero. The available options include all options of the When Qty. Unavailable box on the Inventory Settings tab of the Shopify Stores form, as well as the Store Default option, which (if selected) indicates that the setting specified in the box of the same name on the Shopify Stores form should be applied.