Importing Card Refunds: Item-Level Refunds
A refund of an ordered item may be issued if, for example, a customer wants to amend the order to decrease the quantity of a purchased item or because they want to return the item whose condition or performance is unsatisfactory.
Import of Refunds for Not-Yet-Shipped Orders
During the import of item refunds, if the original sales order has not been shipped (that is, it has the Open or On Hold status on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form), the following actions occur:
- On the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form, the system creates a payment of the Refund type in the refunded amount and applies it to the original payment.
- In the original sales order, on the Details tab of the Sales Orders form, the system updates the order line or lines to decrease the item quantities. Discounts and taxes, if applied, are recalculated accordingly.
- If the sales order is fully refunded or canceled and the processing status of the original payment is Authorized, then the original payment is voided.
- If the sales order is fully refunded or canceled and the processing status of the original payment is Captured or Settled, then a new voided payment is created against the original payment.
The following diagram illustrates the processing of an item return for a card-based payment method that is issued before the sales order has been shipped.

Import of Refunds for Fully Shipped Orders
If the original sales order has been fully shipped (that is, it has the Completed status on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form), the following actions occur when an item refund is being imported to MYOB Advanced:
- On the Sales Orders form, the system creates a return order of the type that was specified in the Return Order Type box on the Order Settings tab of the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form. In the External Reference box of the Summary area, the system inserts the identifier of the refund in the Shopify store.
- In the return order, on the Details tab of the Sales Orders form, the system inserts a line with the applicable quantity of the returned item. In the Reason Code column, the system inserts the reason code that was specified on the Order Settings tab of the Shopify Stores form.
- On the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form, creates a payment of the Refund type in the refunded amount and links it to the return order.
The following diagram illustrates the processing of an item return for a card-based payment method that is issued after the sales order has been fully shipped.

Import of Refunds for Partially Shipped Orders
When an item refund that has been issued for a partially shipped order is being imported from Shopify to MYOB Advanced, the following actions occur:
- For a not-yet-shipped item, the system adjusts the item quantity in the original sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, creates a refund on the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form, and applies the refund to the original payment.
- For a shipped item, the system creates a return order on the Sales Orders form and a refund on the Payments and Applications form, and applies the refund to the return order.
The process is similar to the import of item refunds for not-yet-shipped orders and the import of item refunds for fully shipped orders, which are described in the sections above.