Opportunity Management: Implementation Checklist
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for managing opportunities, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the workflow of opportunity management.
Mandatory Configuration
We recommend that before you start managing opportunities, you make sure the needed CRM features have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Form | Criteria to Check |
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) | The following features have been enabled:
Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) | The predefined settings in the Numbering Sequences section of the General tab have been saved, as described in Basic Customer Relationship Management. |
Opportunity Classes (CR209000) | Opportunity classes with the necessary settings, attributes, and stages have been created, as described in Defining Opportunity Classes. |
Business Account Classes (CR208000) | Business account classes with the necessary settings and attributes have been created, as described in Defining Business Account Classes. |
Business Accounts (CR303000) | Business accounts with the necessary settings and attributes have been created, as described in Creating Business Accounts. |
Customer Classes (AR201000) | Customer classes with the necessary settings and attributes have been created, as described in Creating a Customer. |
Contacts (CR302000) | Contacts with the necessary settings and attributes have been created, as described in Creating Contacts. |
Recommended Configuration
Form | Criteria to Check |
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) |
The following features have been enabled:
System Email Accounts (SM204002) | A system email account has been configured, as described in Configuring Email Accounts. |
Business Events (SM302050) | A business event that causes the system to send emails to customers has been created. |
Email Templates (SM204003) | A notification template that is a subscriber for the business event has been created. |
Automation Schedules (SM205020) | A schedule for the sending of emails has been created, as described in Managing Emails. |
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) | The required non-stock items of the Labor type with needed settings have been created, as described in Creating Labor Items. |
Labor Rates (PM209900) | The cost rates that are specific to particular labor items have been created, as described in Creating Labor Items. |
Attributes (CS205000) | Attributes have been created with the necessary settings. |
Earning Types (EP102000) | If you will be using the Per Activity billing mode, the
needed earning types that are used in activities have been
created. Tip: A predefined set of earning types has
been created in the system. You can modify this set as
needed. |
Activity Types (CR102000) | The activity types that you plan to use are defined and have the Active check box selected. |
Opportunity-Based Documents Checklist
We recommend that before you start creating opportunity-based sales orders or invoices, you make sure the needed settings have been specified and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.
Form | Criteria to Check |
Multiple forms | Order and inventory management functionality has been configured as described in Order Management Basic Configuration: General Information and Configuration of Order Management: General Information. |
Stock Items (IN202500) | Stock items with the necessary settings have been added, as described in Stock Item Creation: General Information. |
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) | Non-stock items with the necessary settings have been added, as described in Creating Non-Stock Items: General Information and Creating Service Items: General Information. |
Opportunities (CR304000) | The following tasks have been performed:
Attention: If an opportunity includes detail lines
with inventory items and detail lines with the
Inventory ID column left blank, a
sales order created from that opportunity will include only the
lines with inventory items. |
Other Settings That Affect the Workflow
You can affect the workflow of opportunity management by specifying additional settings as follows:
- To cause the system use opportunity classes during lead conversion, create the needed classes on the Lead Classes (CR207000) form.
- To give users the ability to specify discounts for an opportunity, enable the Customer Discounts feature on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and configure discounts. For details, see Customer Discounts: General Information.
- To provide the ability to include taxes in an opportunity, configure taxes, as described in Sales Taxes: General Information.
- To set up required approvals for sales quotes, sales orders, or invoices, enable the Approval Workflow feature on the Enable/Disable Features form (in the Monitoring & Automation group of features) and configure an approval map.
- To give users the ability to create service orders, enable the Service Management feature on the Enable/Disable Features form and configure the field services functionality, as described in Field Services Guide.
Validation of Configuration
To make sure that all configuration has been performed correctly, we recommend that in your system, you perform instructions similar to those described in the following topics: