Marketing Reports: Campaign Analysis
MYOB Advanced provides several generic inquiry forms that you can use to analyze campaign data and metrics. These forms are described further in this topic.
These metrics are based on the data that users have entered on the Marketing Campaigns (CR202000) and Opportunities (CR304000) forms, as well as data from sales orders and invoices related to the campaigns on the Sales Orders (SO301000) and Invoices (SO303000) forms, respectively.
Reviewing Campaign Summary Data
The Campaign Summary (CR2020BI) generic inquiry form displays a list of marketing campaigns with statistical information you can use to analyze each campaign. In the following columns of the table, you can find the details of the marketing campaign, which have been specified on the Marketing Campaigns (CR202000) form, and the metrics calculated by the system based on these details:
- Campaign ID: The identifier of the marketing campaign.
- Planned Budget: The budget intended for the marketing campaign.
- Expected Return: The return expected as a result of the marketing campaign.
- Total Members: The total number of the marketing campaign's members.
- Leads Generated: The number of leads generated based on the members of the marketing campaign.
- Leads Converted: The number of leads converted to opportunities.
- Lead to Opportunity Conversion, %: A metric that shows how many leads
of the marketing campaign were converted to opportunities. The system calculates the metric as
(Leads Converted / Leads Generated) * 100
. - Opportunities: The total number of opportunities related to the marketing campaign.
- Won Opportunities: The number of successfully closed opportunities related to the marketing campaign.
- Opportunity Win Percentage, %: A metric that shows the proportion of
won opportunities compared to all opportunities created as a result of the marketing campaign.
The system calculates the metric as follows:
(Won Opportunities / Opportunities) * 100
. - Won Value vs. Expected, %: A metric that shows how close the value of
all won opportunities is to the expected value, which has been specified in the marketing
campaign. The system calculates the metric as follows:
(Won Opportunities / Expected Return) * 100
. - Opportunities Value: The total amount expected on the opportunities related to the marketing campaign.
- Won Opportunities Value: The total amount of the won opportunities related to the marketing campaign.
- Lead to Sales Conversion Rate, %: A metric that shows the proportion
of the created sales orders compared to the qualified leads of the marketing campaign. The
system calculates the metric as follows:
(Won Opportunities / Generated Leads) * 100
. - Return on Investments (Based on Planned Budget), %: The metric shows
how much revenue is received for every dollar spent on the marketing campaign. The system
calculates the metric as follows:
((Won Opportunitites Value – Planned Budget) / Planned Budget) * 100
Viewing Campaigns Associated with Sales Orders
The Campaign Sales Orders (CR203010) generic inquiry form displays a list of sales orders that are related to the marketing campaigns.
You can use this form to view the outcome of opportunities generated by campaign and calculate the revenue generated by created sales orders.
Viewing Campaigns Associated with Invoices
The Campaign Invoices (CR203000) generic inquiry form displays a list of invoices that are associated with marketing campaigns.
You can use this form to calculate the revenue that has come from a campaign.