Bank Feed Errors and Warnings
Error and warning messages can appear on the Import Errors tab of the Manage Bank Feeds (MBCA2020) form.
No Transactions are Received
If no transactions are received from a bank feed, even though there are new transactions in the related bank account, this could be due to a delay in the online bank feed services. Depending on network conditions, it can take some time to receive transactions from a bank feed - in most cases, the transactions will come through if you try again later.
Most institutions deliver bank feeds daily. If you have already imported transactions from a feed once, then subsequent imports on the same day will not retrieve any new transactions.
Error Messages
Errors indicate that the feed could not be retrieved for some reason.
An error occurred while sending the request
Proxy URL cannot be found
These errors indicate that MYOB Advanced was unable to contact the bank feeds service. There may be a problem with the service - try again later, or contact MYOB Support if the error persists.
Warning Messages
Warnings indicate that, while the feed was successfully retrieved, there may be problems with the data.Ending balance does not match the calculated balance
- Transactions could be coming into the Cash Account from multiple sources, e.g. if transactions were imported from a CSV file using the Import Bank Transactions (CA306500) form as well as from a bank feed. In this case, use the Import Bank Transactions form to update the appropriate statement balance.
- There could have been a gap between when the bank feed was activated and when transactions were last imported into the Cash Account. Bank feeds import transactions dated from when the feed was activated - if any transactions prior to the activation were not already in the MYOB Advanced system, they will need to be imported by another method, e.g. importing from a CSV file.