To Void a Payment Document
Incoming payments can be voided if errors were made or the payments are otherwise invalid. Voiding a payment reverses the original payment transactions. You can use the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form to void a customer payment or prepayment that has been applied to invoices.
To Void a Customer Payment or Prepayment
- Open the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form.
- In the Type box, select the Payment or Prepayment document type.
- In the Reference Nbr. box, select the document you want to void.
- On the form toolbar, click Void. The system does the
- Reverses the payment application in full.
- Changes the status of the payment document to Voided.
- Creates a document with the Voided Payment type with the same reference number as the payment or prepayment. You use this document in the remaining steps of this procedure.
- If needed, in the Application Date box, change the date of the voided payment. The date specified in this box should be the date when the voided payment is released and when the related batch was created.
- On the form toolbar, click Save to save the voided payment.
- On the form toolbar, click Release to release the document.