To Reverse a Bill
In MYOB Advanced, a bill cannot be deleted once it has been released; it only can be reversed.
You reverse a released bill that has a status of Open or Closed by using the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form.
When you reverse a bill that refers to a purchase receipt, this affects the vendor's Accounts Payable account rather than the related expense account. When the debit adjustment resulting from the reversal of the bill is released, the status of the purchase receipt changes to Open.
To Reverse a Bill
- Open the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form.
- Open the bill to be reversed, which must have the Open or Closed status.
- On the More menu (under Corrections), click
The system then displays the debit adjustment created by this process, which has the same details as the bill and a status of Balanced.
- Make sure that all the settings of the newly created adjustment are correct—for example, that the total amount of the debit adjustment is the same as the total amount of the bill.
- If needed, in the Vendor Ref. box, change the reference to the vendor document.
- On the form toolbar, click Release to release the debit adjustment.
Notes About the Procedure
The notes in this section describe the nuances of the UI elements available on the form, such as when an element is required and when it is not, and when the system fills in settings by default. This section can include other notes.
For the created debit adjustment you can view the reference number of the reversed bill in the Original Document box on the Financial tab of the Bills and Adjustments form.