Real-Time Synchronization Through Webhooks and Push Notifications
With real-time synchronization between MYOB Advanced and an e-commerce system, MYOB Advanced attempts to prepare data or prepare and process data as soon as a change occurs in either system. Depending on the entity involved and your company's processes, real-time synchronization can involve import or export, or it can be bidirectional. Real-time import relies on webhooks that MYOB Advanced receives from an e-commerce system, and real-time export makes use of the push notification mechanism available in MYOB Advanced.
For information about how to adjust a custom connector to work with webhooks, see To Implement Webhooks for a Commerce Connector.
For details about push notifications in MYOB Advanced, see Configuring Push Notifications. For information about how to implement push notifications for a custom connector, see To Implement Push Notifications for a Commerce Connector.
Processing of Commerce Webhooks
When a user starts real-time synchronization on the Entities (BC202000) form by clicking Start Real-Time Sync on the form toolbar, the system calls the IConnector.StartWebhook method. The system uses this method to initialize the webhook scopes in the external system. Each webhook scope is a situation when the webhook, such as a customer update, is sent. The webhook scopes are specified in the Webhooks parameter of the BCProcessorRealtime attribute of the processor.
When an external system sends a webhook request, MYOB Advanced uses the webhook handler class to receive webhook requests and to place the messages in a queue in the queue broker (which is RabbitMQ by default). The queue has the commerceQueue prefix. You can monitor the status of this queue on the System Queue Monitor (SM302010) form. The messages are then processed as described in Real-Time Synchronization in this topic.
For BigCommerce, Shopify, or other compatible systems, the webhook handler class is the BCWebHookHandler internal class. The class expects the following data in the query:
- type: The connector type
- company: The company ID in MYOB Advanced
- validation: The hash code that is generated by MYOB Advanced, which indicates that the message is expected
For BigCommerce webhooks, the class expects this data in headers. For Shopify webhooks, the class expects this data in the URL parameters.
If you cannot configure the external e-commerce system to send webhook requests in one of these formats, you can implement a custom webhook handler class.
When the user stops real-time synchronization on the Entities form by clicking Stop Real-Time Sync on the form toolbar, the system calls the IConnector.StopWebhook method.
Processing of Commerce Push Notifications
For real-time export, MYOB Advanced includes a number of predefined generic inquiries that define the data changes for which MYOB Advanced should send notifications to the Acumatica Commerce Framework. These generic inquiries are listed on the Generic Inquiries tab of the Push Notifications (SM302000) form for the Commerce notification destination, which is predefined in the system. The names of these generic inquiries begin with the BC-PUSH prefix.
You can create custom generic inquiries for the monitoring of entities that are not included in the predefined inquiries. You can then create a custom notification destination of the Commerce Push Destination type on the Push Notifications form. In the list of inquiries for this notification destination, you include both the custom generic inquires and the needed predefined generic inquiries.
For a data query that is defined by a predefined or custom generic inquiry, when the system identifies a change in the results, the system generates a notification and adds it to a queue in the queue broker, which is RabbitMQ by default. This queue has the primaryQueue prefix and is used for all push notifications generated by MYOB Advanced.
An MYOB Advanced background thread processes the notifications from this queue and sends the commerce notifications to the notification destinations of the Commerce Push Destination type. By default, the system includes only one notification destination of the Commerce Push Destination type, which is the Commerce notification destination. The Commerce Push Destination type is defined in the PX.Commerce.Core.Model.Notification.BCPushNotificationDestination class, which implements the PX.PushNotifications.NotificationSenders.IPushNotificationSender interface.
The notification destination of the Commerce Push Destination type processes the commerce notifications and places them in another queue in the queue broker (which is RabbitMQ by default). The queue has the commerceQueue prefix. You can monitor the status of this queue on the System Queue Monitor (SM302010) form. The messages are then processed as described in the next section.
Real-Time Synchronization
The commerce background thread processes the commerce notifications from the queue with the commerceQueue prefix. To improve the performance of the commerce connector, this thread works with a 20-second delay. That is, when the thread receives the message, it waits for 20 seconds before it starts to process this message. For example, if a user has saved a customer record three times in the last 15 seconds, the system generates three push notifications about the changes, but only the modification of the record from the latest push notification will be synchronized by the commerce connector.
database table
with the information about the modified record. You can view the data from this table on the
Sync History (BC301000) form. Depending on the option
selected in the Real-Time Mode box on the Entities (BC202000) form, the commerce background thread
does one of the following:- If Prepare is selected, places the record in the
table with the Pending status. For details about preparation of data for synchronization, see Preparation of Data for the Synchronization. - If Prepare & Process is selected, after placing the record in the
table, immediately starts the synchronization of the record. For more information about data synchronization, see Synchronization of the Prepared Data.
The processing of import and export notifications is implemented with the IConnector.ProcessHook() and IConnector.ProcessPush() methods, respectively, whose default implementations are available in PX.Commerce.Core.BCConnectorBase<TConnector>. These default implementations call the IProcessor.ProcessHook() and IProcessor.ProcessPush() methods, respectively, which are implemented in PX.Commerce.Core.BCProcessorBase<>.
If any error occurs during the preparation or processing of the data for synchronization, the error is displayed on the System Events tab of the System Monitor (SM201530) form.