Vendor Visibility: To Restrict Visibility to a New Company
The following activity will walk you through the process of restricting the visibility of a vendor to a particular company with a base currency that is different from the base currency of the other companies in the tenant.
Suppose that the management of SweetLife Fruits & Jams has decided to implement multiple base currencies in MYOB Advanced. The implementation consultant has already set up a company with the CAD base currency and added all the companies that use the USD base currency to one company group. The company using the CAD base currency—SweetLife Canada—should work only with the Canadian vendors.
Acting as the implementation consultant, you need to limit the visibility of MAPLELEAF (a Canadian vendor) to the SweetLife Canada company. You then need to verify that this vendor can be selected in the documents for this company. To do this, you need to process a document and review the transaction posted to the general ledger. You will then update the settings of the rest of the vendors by using an import scenario.
Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, the following configuration tasks have been performed to prepare the system for this activity:
- On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Multibranch Support, Multicompany Support, Customer and Vendor Visibility Restriction, Multicurrency Accounting, and Multiple Base Currencies features have been enabled.
- On the Users (SM201010) form, for the gibbs login, the Branch SLCanada role is selected on the Roles tab. For the johnson login, the Branch SLCanada role is not selected on the Roles tab.
- On the Vendors (AP303000) form, the MAPLELEAF vendor has been configured.
- On the Import Scenarios (SM206025) form, the Import Vendors with Restricted Visibility import scenario has been configured.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will restrict the visibility of a vendor to the SweetLife Canada company on the Vendors (AP303000) form. You will then sign in as a user who does not have access to the SweetLife Canada company and make sure that the vendor is not visible for this user. You will sign in as a user with access to SweetLife Canada company, and on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form, you will process a document for the MAPLELEAF vendor, selecting SweetLife Canada as the originating branch.
Finally, on the Import by Scenario (SM206036) form, you will run a preconfigured import scenario to update the Restrict Visibility To setting for regular vendors.
System Preparation
To prepare the system, do the following:
- Launch the MYOB Advanced website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should sign in as Kimberly Gibbs by using the gibbs username and the 123 password.
- In the company to which you are signed in, be sure you have configured the SweetLife Canada company, as described in Multiple Base Currencies: Implementation Activity, which is a prerequisite activity.
- On the Company Groups (CS102500) form, be sure that the USCOMP company group has been added. For details, see Company Groups: Implementation Activity.
- On the Branches (CS102000) form, be sure that for the SLCANADA branch, the Branch SLCanada role, which is associated with the branch, is specified in the Access Role box (Configuration Settings section) on the Branch Details tab.
- On the Branches form, be sure that the SWEETEQUIP branch has been extended as a vendor. For details, see Intercompany Sales: Implementation Activity.
Step 1: Restricting the Visibility of the Vendor
To restrict the visibility of the MAPLELEAF vendor to SweetLife Canada, do the following:
- Open the Vendors (AP303000) form.
- In the Vendor ID box, select MAPLELEAF.
Notice that the vendor class of this vendor is INTLCA (Canadian Vendors).
- On the Financial tab, in the Restrict Visibility To box, select SLCANADA.
- In the Currency ID box, select CAD.
Notice that the boxes in the Summary area now have the currency symbol of the Canadian dollar (C$) displayed next to them. This means that the system will store the balance of this vendor in CAD.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
Step 2: Reviewing the Visibility of the Vendor
To review how the visibility of the vendor has been restricted, do the following:
- Sign in to the tenant as a user who is not assigned the access role of the
Branch SLCanada branch by using the following credentials:
- Username: johnson
- Password: 123
- Open the Vendors (AP303000) form.
- In the Vendor ID box of the Summary area, open the lookup
table, and attempt to find the MAPLELEAF vendor.
Notice that the MAPLELEAF vendor is not listed and that you cannot find it by using the Search box. This vendor is not visible for the current user, because this user is assigned to the role that has access to the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company only and is not assigned to the Branch SLCanada role, which is the access role of the company specified for the vendor.
Step 3: Processing a Bill for the Vendor with Restricted Visibility
To process a bill for the MAPLELEAF vendor, which has restricted visibility to the branch, do the following:
- Sign in to the tenant as a user who is assigned the access role of the Branch
SLCanada branch by using the following credentials:
- Username: gibbs
- Password: 123
- On the Company and Branch Selection menu, on the top pane of the MYOB Advanced screen, select the SweetLife Canada company.
- Open the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form.Tip: To open the form for creating a new record, type the form ID in the Search box, and on the Search form, point at the form title and click New right of the title.
- Click Add New Record on the form toolbar, and specify the
following settings in the Summary area:
- Type: Bill
- Date: 1/30/2023
You can select this vendor (whose visibility has been restricted to the SweetLife Canada company) because you are signed in to this company and the system has filled in the original branch of the document with SweetLife Canada.
- On the Financial tab, notice that in the Branch box SLCANADA is selected. This is the originating branch of the document.
- On the same tab, specify the following settings:
- Payment Method: WIRE
- Cash Account: 10215SL
- On the Details tab, click Add Row
on the table toolbar, and specify the following settings for the added row:
- Branch: SLCANADA (inserted automatically)
- Transaction Descr.: Advertising services
- Ext. Cost: 299
- On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold, and then click Release to release the bill.
- On the Financial tab, click the link in the
Batch Nbr. box to review the generated GL transaction
on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form.
The transaction has been posted for the SLCANADA branch, and the transaction currency specified in the Currency box is CAD because you selected this currency on the Vendors (AP303000) form.
Step 4: Updating Vendor Settings by Using an Import Scenario
Because the Multiple Base Currencies feature has been enabled after some vendors were created in the system and the Restrict Visibility To box became required, this box has to be filled in for all the vendors. You can use an import scenario to fill in the box for multiple customers quickly and easily. To update the Restrict Visibility To setting for regular vendors, do the following:
- Open the Import by Scenario (SM206036) form.
- In the Name box, select Import Vendors with Restricted Visibility.
- On the form toolbar, click Prepare.
The system has uploaded the records from the source Excel file on the Prepared Data tab.
Note: This file is also attached to the Excel data provider on the Data Providers (SM206015) form and the Import Vendors with Restricted Visibility import scenario on the Import Scenarios (SM206025) form. - On the form toolbar, click Import to update the vendor
Notice that for all records on the Prepared Data tab, the system has selected the Processed check box.
- Open the Vendors (AP303000) form.
- In the Vendor ID box, select ACMEDO.
- On the Financial tab, notice that the USCOMP - U.S. Companies option is now selected in the Restrict Visibility To box in the Financial Settings section. This setting means that this vendor can be used in documents originating from companies in the USCOMP company group.
- In the Vendor ID box, select SWEETEQUIP, which was not updated by the import.
- On the Financial tab, notice that the Restrict Visibility To box, which is optional, is empty. This is because this vendor has been extended from a branch, as described in Intercompany Sales: Implementation Activity, and can be used by all companies with different base currencies in the tenant.