Creating Sub Jobs
Sub Jobs are jobs that are linked to a master job. They usually represent distinct parts of the job for the purpose of simplifying overall reporting. In every other way sub jobs are normal jobs.
Note: A master job must be created before a sub job can be entered.
To create a new sub job:
Choose File > New Sub Job from the Job Management window.
Select the master job that the new sub job is to be associated with from the Search window that appears.
Fill in all details in the same way as when creating a new Job.
The created sub job is numbered and is shown as a sub job on the Sub Jobs tab of the selected master job.
Tip: The job code for the sub job could include part of the master job number or code, for easy cross-referencing.
Working with Sub Jobs
A sub job can be identified by looking at the status bar at the top of the job.
To go to the master job from a sub job, click the View
Master Job button ( )
on the toolbar of the sub-job.
The master job contains an extra Sub Jobs tab that contains a list of sub jobs attached to that master job.
An Include Sub Job Lines option is available on the Quote/Budget, Timesheets, Costs and Invoices tabs - enabling this option shows lines for all sub jobs in the main grid. The Job Code column on these tabs contains a dropdown that lets you select a specific sub job to show on the grid.
The Analysis tab of a master job displays totals for all related sub-jobs:
A job cannot be connected to, or disconnected from a master once the job has been created.
If the Allow invoicing of sub jobs from master jobs Company-level profile setting is enabled, sub jobs are invoiced from their master jobs - a single invoice is created for the master job and all of its sub jobs.