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Sales Team Budgets

Use Sales Team Budgets if your business focuses on selling to existing clients and you manage their sales staff by comparing actual sales to budgeted sales.

You can defined Sales Team Budgets at these levels:

  • Account Group 1 and 2

  • Account

  • Stock Group 1 and 2

  • Stock item

Setting Up Sales Team Budgets

Setting Up Sales Staff

Staff members are set up as members in Exo Business Configurator under Staff > Profile Assignment > Staff > Sales Team.

Select the Has Budget option for each staff member who is to have a sales budget.

Select the select the sales manager to whom the staff member reports from the Reporting To dropdown list. By default, staff members are their own managers. Specifying managers for staff members affects the budget generation process. When you edit a budget, users can see the budgets for all staff members that report to them. This is hierarchical. If Staff Member A reports to Staff Member B, and Staff Member B reports to Staff Member C, then C can view the budgets for both A and B. The area below the Reporting To option contains a tree view showing all staff members who report to the selected manager.

Setting Up Sales Years

Sales Team Budgets use the same budgeting periods as the Exo Business Analytics module. These periods are set up in Exo Business Configurator under Admin > Analytics > Setup Sales Year.

Setting Up Budget Models

Before creating Sales Team Budgets, you must define the models that the budgets will be based on. Budget models define the levels to budget at and the sales period to budget over.

Select Setup Sales Team Budgets from the Setup menu to set up budget models. All currently budget models display.

Click New to create a model:

  1. Enter a name for the model.

  2. Select a Sales Year to create budgets for. Choose from the sales years set up set up in Exo Business Configurator under Admin > Analytics > Setup Sales Year.

  3. Specify whether or not the budget is currently active by selecting or clearing the Active checkbox.

  4. Select the levels to create budgets at by selecting options in the Budget Model section.

    Select only one option for each column. Selecting the option for one level selects all levels above it. For example, selecting to budget by Account Group also creates budgets for Account Group 2.

    You don't need to select an option from both columns. You can, for example, budget by Stock Group only.

  5. Click Save to save the budget model.

Creating and Editing Budgets

Once all budget models have been set up, click the Update Structure button in the Budget Models window to generate the budgets.

Select a budget and click the Open Budget button. The Budget window displays:

All users who report to the current user (directly or indirectly) are displayed in a hierarchy on the left of the window. Select the options for all users to edit budgets for.

Enter budget information into the Last Year Actuals and Budget Value columns. Clicking the Populate Last Year Actuals or Populate Actuals buttons fills in the values in the Last Year Actuals columns with data from the database.

You can view budget data in a pivot grid on the View Budget tab. Click the Refresh Pivot Grid button to refresh the grid contents after editing budget figures.

You can enter budget figures can be into this window, or copy and paste them into Microsoft Excel. Right click on the column headings and select Copy to clipboard or Paste from clipboard to copy and paste data.

Note: You can edit the data that you copy to Microsoft Excel. To paste data back into Exo Business CRM, the SEQNO column must remain the first column in the spreadsheet.