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Creating a Works Order

Transactions > Manufacturing > Works Order Entry

A Works Order is a more complex version of a build-type Bill of Materials.

To create a Works Order:

  1. Select Works Order Entry from the Transactions > Manufacturing menu. This window displays:

  2. Click the New button. This window displays:

  3. Enter details in the fields on the Details tab:



    Works order no

    The number of the selected works order. Exo Business assigns this number when you save the Works Order.

    Entered by

    The name of the staff member entering the works order. Click the button to select the staff member’s name.

    Billomat code

    The Bill of Materials code. Click the button to select a Bill of Materials. Only build-type Bills of Materials are available.

    Product code

    The code of the Bill of Materials' output item.

    Qty. required

    The quantity to produce.

    Batch code

    The production batch code. You can add this Works Order to an existing batch.


    The production status:

    • Uncommitted

    • Committed

    • In Production

    • Completed


    An optional reference code.

    Entry date

    The start date for the Works Order.

    Production date

    The production date for the Works Order.

    Due date

    The date the Works Order is to be completed.

    Expiry date

    The date the Works Order expires.

    Product Loc

    The location to which to transfer the final product.

    Component Loc

    The location form which components are being supplied.

    Linked sales order

    The number of the Sales Order that the works order is linked to. Click the button to select a Sales Order. This field is optional.

    Production notes

    Any notes that you may need to make in relation to this works order.

  4. Click the Components tab.

  5. Enter details in the fields at the top of the Components tab:



    Qty Required

    The total quantity to produce.

    Qty produced

    The quantity to produce in this operation.

    Date produced

    The date the works order is completed.

    Product Loc

    The location to which to transfer the final product.

    Batch code

    The production batch code.

    Expiry date

    The date the Works Order expires.

    Component Loc

    The location from which components are being supplied.

  6. Use the buttons on the toolbar to add or remove components:



    Load all components from the Bill of Materials.

    Add a component.

    Remove a component.

    Replace a component.

  7. These fields display for each component:



    Stock Code

    The stock code of the item.


    The description for the item. This field is read only.

    Qty Reqd

    The quantity of the component required to fulfil the entire Works Order. This field it read only.

    Qty Used

    The quantity of the component to consume in this operation.


    The production batch code.

    Req. Cost

    The total cost of the required number of the component. This field is read only.

    Used Cost

    The cost of the components consumed in this operation. This field is read only.

    Analysis Codes

    Any Analysis Codes you want to associate with the Works Order.

    Click the button to set the Qty Used value for all components to the Qty Reqd value.

    You can double click on an item to drill down to the Stock screen for that item.

  8. Click Save. You are prompted to print the Works Order.

Saving the order enables the Documents tab, on which you can attach documentation that relates to the order.

Note: The Works Order displays on the Works Order tab of any Stock item that is involved in it, either as a component or as an output item.