MYOB Exo Business

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Company Settings

You can configure customer details and software registration information under:

  • The Company section of Exo Business Configurator
  • The Registration section of the Configuration Assistant

Configuring Registration Information

Use the Registration Keys section enter registration codes for Exo Business modules. The registration codes are specific to the company's name, the individual Exo Business product, the number of users, and the expiry date of the registration code.

Tip: If the line in the highlight bar is red, then the module, number of users, security code, expiry date and/or company name do not match the code given. Check that all the items match the code.

Modules are divided into two sections: Core and Add-on. A single registration code applies to all Core modules. You must supply a separate license for each add-on module. You can download and automatically apply registration codes, or you can obtain them from MYOB and enter them yourself.

Before applying registration keys, ensure that the company name is set up correctly. To do that:

  1. Click Change Name to set the company name.
  2. Enter the company name in the window that displays.

    Note: Ensure the name given when obtaining the registration codes from MYOB is exactly the same as entered above. Take special care with abbreviations (Limited vs. Ltd), and punctuation (Pty. vs. Pty).

  3. Click OK.
  4. If the company is the subsidiary of a larger company, click Change Parent Name to set the name of the parent company.

To enter registration information:

  1. Double click the name of the module.
  2. Enter information in these fields:
    • Max Users  The registered number of users. This must match the number of concurrent licences purchased from MYOB.
    • Registration Key  The registration code that you received from MYOB for the selected module.
    • Expiry Date  The expiry date for the module. For more information of how this applies, refer to the Terms and Conditions of the End User Licence Agreement.
  3. Click Save.

Tip: Specific registration codes are not required for the core Exo Business modules, with the exception of Exo Business Configurator.

Drag and Drop Registration Renewal

When your registration is renewed, you receive new registration codes in an email. To apply all codes together:

  1. Either:
    1. Open Exo Business Configurator and navigate to the Company section, or
    2. Open Exo Business and select About from the Help menu. In the About window, click Registration Details to open the Registration Details window.
  2. Drag the renewal email from Outlook onto the Company section or into the Registration Details window.

Note: When you are near the end of your current licensing period, a license warning window displays when you log in. You can also drag the renewal email onto this window to apply the new codes.

Configuring Company Details

The Company Details section contains details such as the name and address of the company using Exo Business. This information is primarily used in reports for displaying the company’s contact details, but some fields – such as the Country and Bank Account fields – also have a specific purpose in Exo Business .



Company name

The company's name. This is read only. You can change the company's name in the Registration section.

Postal address

Enter the company's postal address.

Street address

Enter the company's street address, or select Street address is the same as postal address to copy the postal address.


Select the country that the company operates in.

Note: You must choose the correct country. The country influences the tax rates that Exo Business uses.

Phone number

Enter a contact phone number for the company.

Fax number

Enter a contact fax number for the company.

Email address

Enter a contact email address for the company.


For Australian companies, enter the Australian Business Number.

Web Site

Enter the company's web site.

Tax Number

Enter the company's GST number or VAT number.

Bank account

Enter the company's bank account number.

Business Reference Number

The Business Reference Number (BRN) identifies an Exo Business database. It is assigned by your MYOB business partner.

Account name

Enter the name on the company's bank account.

NZ Business Number

For New Zealand installations, enter the New Zealand Business Number.

Payee Number

This field is used for MYOB M-Powered Invoices, and is available for Australian installations only.

Enter the Payee Number you obtained when you signed up for M-Powered Services.

Maximum Payment

This field is used for MYOB M-Powered Invoices, and is available for Australian installations only.

This optional value applies to credit card transactions only, and is the maximum payment amount per invoice.

Biller Name/Code

This field is used for MYOB M-Powered Invoices, and is available for Australian installations only.

Select the Biller Name or Biller Code to use on M-Powered Invoices. This displays in the How to Pay section of the invoice.

Required to Report under PTRS

This option applies to Australian companies only. Tick this box if you are a Large Business who is required to report payment times under the Payment Times Reporting Scheme (PTRS).