MYOB Exo Job Costing

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Completing an Invoice

To complete an invoice:

  • Flag lines as ready for invoice and then pending lines of a job invoiced.
  • Send cost lines to the Invoice tab for invoicing.
  • Activate progress billing and send lines to a billing schedule within the job. Multiple schedules can exist within a job.

Select the Invoice tab. This screen displays:

The filters on the Invoice tab show only Ready for Invoice lines. You must select the lines with this status to display them. If the job is a master job, use the Include Sub Job Lines filter to display lines from the job's sub jobs.

Note: Changes or additions are made on the Invoices screen do not appear on the job invoice. Make changes associated with the job using the Job Costing module.



Group select

Click the checkbox in the first column to select the line as part of a group of lines to perform actions on using the right-click menu.


The second column displays the icon if the line has a narrative attached. Right-click on this field and select Add a Narrative to add a narrative to a line.

You can only add or edit a narrative after saving the line.


These values move to this tab from the tab on which they were created. You can change these values, and the changes reflect on the original tab.

Total cost

This value is automatically calculated, and updates based on changes made in other fields.


This value is automatically calculated, and updates based on changes made in other fields.

Disc (%)

The discount applied to the selling price of this line.

Mark up

This value is automatically calculated, but you can change it.

When you start typing a new entry, a small screen pops up. Enter the number for the new markup, without the % sign — for example, 112.5.


The status of this line:

  • C – Committed. The stock has been committed to Work in progress.

  • R – Ready to be invoiced.

  • I – Invoiced. You can't edit the line.

  • X – Cancelled line. If the stock item is material, it is taken from work in progress and returned to the stock count. It does not add a cost to the job and no sell price. Serial numbers are unassigned.

  • W – Written off. This remains in work in progress and is considered a cost to the job. It does not add to selling price of the job. Serial numbers remain assigned.


This field displays previously invoiced amounts.

Start Date
Invoice Date

These values are read-only.

Gross Margin %
Source Ref
Line No

These values are copied from the Quote tab.

Batch Code

An optional code to group batches of transactions.

Schedule #

The billing schedule number when using progress invoicing.


This field indicate whether the line item has been supplied. You can change it by right clicking on the line and selecting Toggle Supplied Flag.

Analysis Codes

Select a code to group transactions for sorting and reporting.

Changing the Invoice Total Amount

Click the Change Invoice Total Amount button to make the invoice total equal to what the customer expects. This spreads the additional markup (or markdown) across all of the lines on the invoice, proportionally by value.

Invoicing the Job

After checking that all entries are correct, click the Invoice Job button on the toolbar.

Note: The Invoice Job button includes an option to Check Alerts, which displays a window detailing any problems that prevent the job from being invoiced.

Job Costing passes the invoice data to the Invoice Entry window, using the pricing information from the job.

Click Save to save the invoice, or Cancel to lose all of the entries.

Invoicing Sub Jobs from a Master Job

If the selected job is a master job, you can select the Invoice Job with Sub Jobs option under the Invoice Job button:

  • Clicking Invoice Job generates an invoice for the master job only.

  • Clicking Invoice Job with Sub Jobs generates a single consolidated invoice for the master job and all of its sub jobs.

Note: In order for this menu option to be available, the Allow invoicing of sub jobs from master jobs Company-level profile setting must be enabled.

When you click Invoice Job with Sub Jobs, the Invoicing of Sub Jobs From Master Job window displays. Jobs that cannot be invoiced are highlighted in red. Jobs that have the Invoice via Master Job option deselected are greyed out. When a highlighted job is selected, the reasons why it cannot be invoiced display at the bottom of the window.

Click Start Process to generate the consolidated invoice. The details of the master job display in the header.

The Job Code column indicates which sub job each line applies to.

Completing and Closing a Job

A job can continue indefinitely and generate a large number of invoices. You can close a job after an invoice has been generated and all outstanding lines have been resolved by having been invoiced, converted into an asset, written-off, or cancelled. You can define one or more complete statuses.