MYOB Exo Job Costing

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Job Costing Company Profiles

You can configure these Company-level profile settings in Exo Business Configurator:

Allow editing of Locations of transaction lines

Enable this setting to edit Locations (From & To Loc) of each individual transaction line on a job in Job Costing.

Allow invoicing of sub jobs from master jobs

Enable this setting to create a single consolidated invoice for the master job and all of its sub jobs.

Best pricing and discounting in Job Costing

This option is enabled by default. Disable this option to disable discounting and best price checking in Job Costing.

Caption for 'Our ref'

A caption for the Our ref field on the Details tab of the Job Details window. It gives you another field of information to save.

Cost field to use on Quote tab

Select the Cost field to use on the Quote tab: Standard, Average, or Latest.

Cost method for Stock Items to use on Job Time and Cost tabs
Cost method for Lookup Items to use on Job Time and Cost tabs

Select the Cost methods for Stock items and Lookup items to use on the Timesheets and Costs tabs.

Enable job code or reference number on sales order and debtor invoice entry screens

Enable this option to record an optional job code or reference number on the Sales Order and Debtors Invoice entry screen.

Enforce stock period locks in Job Costing

When this option is enabled, any stock period controls that have been set up are enforced in Job Costing. A window displays when cancelling, writing off, moving or changing the quantity of a transaction line in a locked period, prompting the user to select a new date for the line.

Get general ledger P/L revenue accounts from

Select where the general ledger P/L revenue accounts are sourced from:

  • Stock Item
  • Job Header
  • Cost Type

Integrate timesheets with PayrollEnterprise

Enable this setting to activate integration with Exo Payroll. This allows you to export timesheet data recorded against jobs to Exo Payroll.

Job Cost Billing Mode

Enter a list of billing modes to be available when entering new Jobs.

The list may include:

  • C = Charge-up
  • P = Progress Invoice
  • A = Create Asset
  • Q = Ex-Quote

The first in the list is the default billing mode.

For example, entering CP restricts the available modes to Charge-up or Progress Invoice modes, with Charge-up being the default presented option if none are specifically selected.

The default value is CPAQ.

Job Cost Management Screen Auto Refresh Interval

The interval at which to automatically refresh the Job Cost Management screen (in minutes). The default value is 0, which does not automatically refresh the screen.

Job Overview Screen - Warning Threshold when Loading Jobs

This value determines when to warn users if they are about to load too many records into the Job Overview screen. If you try to load too many records, Job Costing may appear to freeze.

This value is the number of records that will be loaded before displaying a warning. The default value is 1,000. The optimal value will vary depending on the performance of your network and computers.

Job Purchase orders use Quote line Cost

If this setting is enabled, Purchase Order lines generated from the Job Quote tab use the cost price as specified on the quote line. If the supplier uses foreign currency, the Quote line cost will be converted to the equivalent in that currency.

If this setting is disabled, the cost price on the Purchase Order line will behave as though the Purchase Order was being generated normally, using normal supplier price logic, rather than from the quote line.

Job Purchase orders use Quote line price

If this setting is enabled, Purchase Order lines generated from the Job Quote tab use the selling price as specified on the quote line.

Job Quote Labour Allowance calculation

If this setting is enabled, the total quote line Labour allowance is to be considered a multiple of line unit labour allowance times the total quantity on that line.

If the setting is not enabled, it is considered to be an absolute value per line. This affects the total labour allowance displayed at the bottom of the quote screen.

Tip: You can define a labour allowance for all stock codes by adding the field X_LABOUR_ALLOWANCE of type DOUBLE with a default value of 0 to the STOCK_ITEMS table. This value is passed to the quote when you insert a line.

Link 'Our ref' to sales order number lookup

If this setting is enabled, you can enter the number of the Sales Order associated with a job into the Our ref field on the Details tab of the Job Details window. The Sales Order can then be viewed by selecting View Sales Order from the Utilities menu.

Resources - Check for Resource Over-Allocations

If this setting is enabled, Job Costing checks for overlaps and over-allocations when allocating resources or altering resource allocation. This includes cases where a resource allocation overlaps another allocation of the same resource, and when the resource is allocated for more than the target hours per day. If any resources are over-allocated, you are presented with a warning message, and given the option to view and correct the over-allocations.

Resources - Synchronise Job and Resource Dates

If this setting is enabled, Job Costing checks that start and end dates/times for resource allocations are within the Start Date - Due Date range. If allocations fall outside this range, you are presented with a warning message, and given the option to view and correct the allocation dates.

PayrollEnterprise export location

This setting must be configured when integrating with Exo Payroll. Specify the root directory for Exo Payroll — for example, C:\Payrollv.

PayrollEnterprise Database Location

This setting must be configured when integrating with Exo Payroll. Specify the database directory for Exo Payroll — for example, C:\Payrollv\DATABASE.

SQL statement to refine stock item search for costs

An SQL statement to refine search criteria for stock on the Cost tab of the Job Management Form. for example, AND STOCKGROUP <>4  (if Labour is stock group 4 it will not be included in the results of the search).

SQL statement to refine stock item search for times

An SQL statement to refine the search criteria for stock on the Timesheet tab of the Job Management Form for example, AND STOCKCODE = 4 (if the stockcode for labour is 4, labour is included in the search result). For further assistance contact your Exo Business trained professional.

SQL statement to select cost of sales GL accounts

Search criteria — for example, WHERE ACCNO<200.  This example applies if cost of sales GL accounts is numbered less than 200. For further assistance, contact your Exo Business trained professional.

SQL statement to select sales GL accounts

Search criteria — for example, ACCNO>1000.  This example applies if Sales GL accounts are numbered greater than 1000. If Sub-Accounts are enabled, aliases must be used for ambiguous field names. Aliases are A=GLACCS and S=GLSUBACCS — for example, A.ACCNO>2000 AND S.SUBACCNO<3.

For further assistance contact your Exo Business trained professional.

Sub job transactions add to master job totals

Select this option to automatically add Sub-job invoice totals to the Master Job.

Time sheet default end date

Select the default end date for new timesheets. Choose from the Due date, the Start date or today's date.

Use current date on Time sheets entry

If this setting is enabled, the start date when entering a timesheet is the current date. Otherwise, the Job Start date is used, but only if it is defined. If no Job Start date is set, Time Sheet start date uses the current date.