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Synchronising Activities with Outlook

Use the CRM module to synchronise activities (Tasks and Appointments) between Exo Business and Microsoft Outlook. When activities are synchronised:

  • New activities are exported to Outlook.

  • New activities in Outlook are imported to Exo Business.

  • Existing activities that have been modified in either system are updated in the other system.

In all cases, the distinction between Tasks and Appointments is preserved — for example, activities that exist as Tasks in Exo Business displays as Tasks in Outlook after activities are synchronised.

Note: When updating existing activities, the synchronisation process uses the most recently updated activity as the master and copies this to the other system. If the same activity is edited in both systems before activities are synchronised, only the most recent changes are saved.

To synchronise all activities in a specified date range:

  1. Select Sync Activities with Outlook from the Tools dropdown in the Activities window.

  2. Specify the activities to synchronise by selecting a date option. All activities for the selected day or date range are synchronised.

  3. Click OK.

To synchronise specific activities:

  1. In the List View, click the activities to synchronise.

  2. Right-click in the list and select Selected Items > Export to Outlook.

Note: Individual activities are only synchronised if the Sync with Outlook box is selected on the Activity window.

You can also:

  • Select Import Activities from Outlook from the Tools dropdown to import activities to Exo Business from Outlook.

  • Select Export Activities to Outlook from the Tools dropdown to export activities to Outlook from Exo Business.

Synchronisation Options

You can control synchronisation based on settings in Outlook. Tasks and Appointments that are marked as Private in Outlook are not synchronised.

You can use Outlook categories to control which records are synchronised. In Exo Business, use these User-level profile settings to exclude or include a list of categories:

  • The INCLUDE or EXCLUDE CRM-Outlook categories list setting determines whether records should be included or excluded based on their category.

  • The List of CRM-Outlook categories setting specifies the comma-separated list of categories to be included in or excluded from synchronisation operations.


To set up Exo Business to only synchronise records with the category of EXO:

  • Set INCLUDE or EXCLUDE CRM-Outlook categories list to Include.

  • Enter EXO for the List of CRM-Outlook categories setting.

To set up Exo Business to synchronise all records except for ones with the categories Confidential or Personal:

  • Set INCLUDE or EXCLUDE CRM-Outlook categories list to Exclude.

  • Enter Confidential,Personal for the List of CRM-Outlook categories setting.

To not use Outlook categories with synchronisation operations, set INCLUDE or EXCLUDE CRM-Outlook categories list to Exclude and leave the List of CRM-Outlook categories setting blank.

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