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Opportunity Quote Options

Toolbar Options

Change quote total - Click the button to alter the quoted values of lines to sum to a specified total. Exo Business prompts for the new total.

Lines are proportionally altered by factoring based old total versus new total (the difference is spread according to the lines original value). If you have some lines that shouldn't be altered, set the value in their Spread column to N.

Check for Price Changes - Click the button to check quoted prices against the latest cost and selling prices from the stock ledger. A prompt displays when copying a quote or a job or when converting a quote to a job.

Check Stock Level - Click the button to check the current levels of stock for a quotation before it is activated as a job.

Move line up/down - You can reorder quote lines by selecting a line and clicking the buttons to move it up or down.

Quote Options

By default, all lines of a job belong to the DEFAULT OPTION, which Exo Business creates for each job. When quoting, you can include additional lines for optional extras or upgrades to the default being quoted.

To create or edit Quote Options, click the Setup button. A search screen of additional Quote Options displays. There are no entries for a job which has no options.

To create an option, click New. To edit an option, double click it. You can enter or change the name of the option.

You can change the Quote Option column for each line on the Quote/Budget tab from the DEFAULT OPTION.

Selecting or deselecting a Quote Option in the header panel includes or excludes that option from the job totals at the bottom of the screen.

You can also use the Quote Option in Clarity reports to provide alternate quoted options within the single job.

Right-click Menu Options

Right-clicking on a quote line displays these options:

Note: Any options specific to Job Costing are not available.

Add Narrative (CTRL+N) - Use this option to add or edit a line level narrative. The narrative editing window opens. Right click in the text area and select:

Set Line Status as Lost/Quote - Use this option to set the Status column for the line to LOST. If the line is already LOST, selecting this option changes it back to QUOTE. If you right click on a kit, this option becomes Set Kit Status to Lost/Quote, and affects all lines in the kit.

Split line - Use this option to split a line that has a quantity greater than one into two lines. Exo Business prompts you for the quantity to be split-off into the new line:

The remainder of the quantity is left on the original line.

Attach Line to Kit - At least one kit must exist on the job before you can use this function. When you select this option, a screen of kit headers on the job displays. Select the kit to which to append the line. The line is re-sequenced and added as the last line of the kit.

Remove Line (CTRL+DEL) - Select this option to delete the current line from the job.  A confirmation request displays.

Check Stock Level - Select this option to check the current levels of stock for a quotation.

Kit Functions

When you right click on a kit header or one of its components, you can select these options:

Append Component Line - Select this option to add lines from the Bill of Materials to the kit. These are lines that have been marked as non-default and were excluded when the kit was originally added to the job. These non-default BOM lines can be substitute items or optional extras.

Append Stock Item Line  - Select this option to append a stock item line from the Stock file. Selecting this option displays the entire stock list in a search screen. The item you choose does not have to be an item pre-configured as optional in the Bill of Materials.

Substitute Component Line - This option is only enabled when you right click on a component line on the Costs tab. Select this option to choose a component item to replace the selected item.

Extra Kit information - Select this option to enter additional information about the kit.

This information is for record keeping and you can print it on customer reports. The serial does not exist in the main stock serials list. If an asset is produced for the job and this is a serialised item, you must add the serial number.

Copy Bill Notes - Select this option to copy the notes from the Bill of Materials setup screen into a narrative on the kit header line within the job.

Marked Lines

The functions under Marked Lines on the right-click menu operate on the lines which have options selected. You can select or deselect lines in the column header row. The Marked Lines submenu contains these options:

Set Markup % - Select this option to enter a markup percentage. Exo Business adjusts the sell prices of the selected lines.

Set Gross margin % - Select this option to enter a gross margin percentage. Exo Business adjusts the sell prices of the selected lines.

Set Cost Types - Select a cost type to apply to the selected lines.

Set Cost Groups - Select a cost group to apply to the selected lines.

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Opportunity Quotes