MYOB Exo Business

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Clarity Report Browser

Reports > Clarity Report Browser

The Clarity Report Browser displays a structured list of all reports. You can run reports from the browser, or you can open them for editing in the Clarity Report Designer.

Running and Editing Reports

If the Show Preview button is selected, clicking on a report displays a review of the report on the right of the window.

Select a report and click Run Report.

Select a report and click Edit to open the report in the Clarity Report Designer.

Sorting Reports

Exo Business looks for Clarity reports and forms in the directories specified by the Computer Profile settings Directory for Custom Clarity Forms(.CLR,.CLF and .FMT) and Directory for Standard Clarity Forms(.CLR,.CLF and .FMT). All display in the browser, sorted into categories.

Information on the report's category is stored in the file properties of each report file. If this information is not present for a report file, the report is put into the No Category list. Right click on a report and select Properties to view that report's file properties.

Note: Exo Business keeps a record of all standard reports that are available by default. Selecting File > Reclassify All Reports sorts all known reports that are missing their classification data into the appropriate categories.