MYOB Exo Business

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Closing the Bank Reconciliation

To complete a bank reconciliation:

  1. Click Save to save the reconciliation. If the reconciliation does not balance the system will display the Check Reconciliation window, to alert the operator that the reconciliation is not finished.

  2. Alternatively, click Cancel to return to the search/ summary window without saving the new reconciliation.

Note: Any Cashbook entries and AP Processing transactions that were created during the reconciliation cannot be undone by clicking Cancel.

The system will perform the following updates upon saving a new bank reconciliation:

  • Creates a new BANK_REC_LOG record

  • SEQNO New seq no generated

  • ACCNO The GL account number of the reconciliation

  • SUBACCNO The GL sub-account number of the reconciliation

  • RECONCILENO The reconciliation number entered

  • TRANSDATE The reconciliation date that was entered in “Select unreconciled GL transactions up to and including”.

  • STMNT_OPENBAL From the window

  • STMNT_CLOSEBAL From the window

  • GL_BAL The GL balance displayed on window, i.e.  sum(amount) all Gltrans where transdate <= reconciliation date (bank_rec_log.transdate)  for this account.

  • DEPOSITS Unreconciled debit GL Transactions. Sum  of debits on LHS

  • PAYMENTS Unreconciled credit GL Transactions. Sum  of credit on LHS

  • GLTRANS_SEQNO Set to  the last GLTrans that makes up the GL balance on the window. This is last seqno of Gltrans where gltrans.transdate <= rec date on window for this GL account

  • RECTYPE Manual

  • STMNT_DATE New field. Set to the “Date of Closing Bank Statement”, also displayed on window.

  • LOCKED Per window. Yes/no

  • GL_TRANS (updates to reconciled transactions)

  • RECONCILE_SEQNO Updated with the seqno of the new bank_rec_log

  • RECONCILE_NO From the window

  • RECONCILED Set to 1 (meaning it’s reconciled)