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Receiving a Debtor Payment

Transactions > Debtors Receipts > Debtor Receipt

When a debtor makes a payment, you need to allocate that payment to the appropriate invoices on the account. You also need to ensure that the credit control matches the payment made to the group of invoices.

If you are receiving payment at the time of generating the invoice, you will probably enter the payment in the Payments/Delivery tab of the Debtor Invoice window, in which you can record basic payment details.

You can either allocate the payment to the appropriate invoice(s) at the time the payment is received, or at a later date. You can unallocate payments, and reallocate them.

Note: If this is a branch account (and you don't have Exo Business Config), the invoice transaction you are receiving a payment against will be displayed in the branch account transaction grid, but the New Payment button will be inactive; you can only receive a payment from the head office account. Click the Show Head Office button to receive the payment. If you do have Exo Business Config, you can choose to manually send transactions to Head Office, and so are able to receipt payments in the branch account before transferring to Head Office.

Debtor’s payments or receipts can be recorded in various ways: via the Payments tab of the Debtors Invoice Entry, the Debtors Receipt window, or the Debtors Receipt Batch Entry window.

  1. Go to the Transactions menu and choose Debtors Receipts > Debtor Receipt. The Payment/Receipt Entry window is displayed:

  2. Enter the debtor account making the payment by entering the name (or number) directly or ?+Tab in the account field to search for a debtor.

  3. Click the ellipsis button […] on the Aged Balances area to view Debtors Account Transaction window. This is a useful to check the debtor’s transactions before entering the payment.

  4. Select the payment type in the Payment field.

  5. Enter the payment amount:

    • If you enter the payment amount directly in this field, and don't select any invoices in the grid below against which to allocate the payment, the payment will remain unallocated. You can allocate it later via the Debtor Account > Transactions window.

    • If you select the invoices you want to pay by ticking the checkbox of the required invoices, and then press the SPACEBAR in the Amount field, the total amount of the selected invoices is displayed in the Amount field, and the invoices and payment will be immediately allocated on saving the receipt transaction.

    • If you enter an amount which only part-pays an invoice, then click the Part Allocate button to allocate the payment to that invoice and leave an unallocated balance.

  6. Enter the remaining payment details as necessary.

  7. Choose the View Criteria for the grid below, for example 'Only Unallocated Transactions'.

    The grid header fields are detailed in the table below:




    Tick the checkboxes of all lines you want to receipt the payment against.

    Trans #

    The unique transaction id.

    SO #

    The Sales Order number.


    The date of the transaction.


    The transaction type, e.g. invoice, payment.


    The branch of the transaction line. If this is the head office account, all branch transactions are listed; if you have Exo Business Config, and this is a branch account, you can only receipt a payment against your branch.

    Inv No

    The invoice number.

    Ref 1

    Internally generated explanatory reference text.

    Ref 2

    Internally generated explanatory reference text.

    Due Date

    The due date of the transaction, based on the credit terms of the debtor.


    The transaction amount.

    NZD / AUD

    New Zealand or Australian Dollar - this shows the defined exchange rate.

    To Allocate

    When you tick the Sel checkbox for the transaction line, this becomes zero. If this is a part-payment of the line, the amount still to be allocated is displayed in this field.


    '1' indicates the transaction line has been allocated, '0' that it has not yet been allocated.


    Right-click on the transaction line and choose Toggle Query Status to put a question mark on the transaction, to reflect that the transaction is in question. This can then be reported on.

    PP Disc

    Tick this checkbox to give a prompt payment discount for payment of this invoice. This uses the Prompt Payment Discount percentage information of the Debtor.

    PP Disc Amount

    The prompt payment discount amount, based on the previous percentage.

    Receipt Amt

    The total payment receipt amount for the line.


    The tax total on the transaction line.

  8. If the payment is a deposit, tick the Deposit checkbox. The Sales Order tab is displayed. Highlight the required sales order for which the payment is a deposit and click Save.

  9. If you are allocating the payment to one or more invoices, select the required invoices by ticking the relevant checkboxes in the Sel column.  

  10. Click in the Amount field and press the SPACEBAR again. The total to pay of the selected invoices is displayed in the Amount field.

  11. Click Save. The Allocations Grid is docked into this window; saving both the receipt and allocation to invoice info simultaneously. This feature helps with the detection of errors before anything is saved.

Prompt Payment Discount

You can calculate and apply prompt payment discounts at the invoice level.

Each invoice has a checkbox that can be ticked to indicate that prompt payment should be calculated. When ticked, the PP Disc Amnt column will automatically be calculated at the discount rate established on the Debtor account. The line is also automatically flagged as allocated when this is done. The receipt amount column shows net of discount.

De-selecting the invoice, so that it is unallocated, will also clear the discount as the discount cannot be applied if the invoice is not being allocated. Clicking the discount checkbox by itself will cancel the discount calculation but leave the row allocated.

Use the spacebar on an invoice to select or de-select prompt payment discount. Use Enter on an invoice to allocate or unallocated an invoice, use the up and down arrow keys to navigate between these invoices. Alternatively the mouse can be used, but is less effective than the keyboard method.

The total discount is shown at the bottom of the window.

Small Balance Write-off

If you have allocations marked, and the Amount field is less than the total of these, when you press Save the system will ask if you wish to discard the allocations and receipt the payment only (no allocations).

As when allocating later, the Adjustment button will create a debtor adjustment to balance the allocation set. The difference here is that the computation is based on the pending receipt transaction. Continuing the short paid example above, we can see that clicking the Adjustment button computes a pending adjustment value and displays it in the window footer.

Note: The adjustment entry cannot exceed $5.00.

An adjustment entry can also be automatically generated from payment rounding.

The Find Button

The find button replaces the Auto and To Oldest buttons when the allocation grid is docked in the receipt window. It will attempt to find an entry in the allocation grid that matches the payment value and set it to ‘allocated’.


To change the receipt to a deposit (against Sales Order rather than invoice) either tick the Deposit checkbox or click on the Sales Orders tab (which automatically ticks the checkbox). A list of Sales Orders is displayed.

Note: You can only select one Sales Order for the deposit.

If you need to change the deposit back to receipt then just un-tick the Deposit checkbox.

Note: Clicking the Sales Orders tab when you have pending allocations in the Transactions tab does not permit this action. You must click the Deposits checkbox instead. This will also clear those allocations.