MYOB Exo Business

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Creditors Details 2 Tab

The Details 2 tab is used to enter and store payment info including prompt payment and vendor discount, banking details, default GST rate, maximum auto authorise amount, and pop-up alert text.

Field Descriptions




Default Payment Type

Select the default payment method to this creditor.

Bank Account Number

The bank account number of the creditor.

Bank Account Name

The name of the bank account.


Default Invoice Mode

Select default invoice mode.

Primary Lead Time

The number of days between placing an order and its arrival.

Secondary Lead Time

The alternate lead delivery time in days.

Prompt Payment Discount (%)

The percentage of discount being offered for prompt payment.

Remittance Contact

Remittance advice will be emailed to the address of the contact selected here.

Pop Up Alert

Use this field to enter a user defined popup alert.

Note: Use the ^ character to insert a carriage return.



Enter the company GST number here (New Zealand only).


Enter the company's Australian Business Number here (Australia only).

Override GST Rate

The override GST rate.

Track Taxable Payments

Applies to Australian companies only. If you make payments to this Creditor for construction or building services, you will need to track these payments for reporting on the "Taxable payments annual report". Tick this option to track all payments for this Creditor.


Send M-Powered Payments Remittances

This option is only available if "M-POWERED" is selected for the Default Payment Type. Ticking this box means that remittance advice will be sent to this Creditor whenever payments are made to them via the MYOB M-Powered Payments system.

M-Powered Services need to be available on your system to use this feature. M-Powered Services are available in Australia only.

Remittance Method

If the Send M-Powered Payments Remittances option is selected, specify how remittance advice should be delivered to this Creditor. Choose from:

  • None - No remittance advice will be sent to the Creditor.

  • Email - Remittance advice will be sent to the Creditor via email.

  • Print - Printed remittance advice will be mailed/faxed to the Creditor.

  • Both - The Creditor will be emailed remittance advice and also sent printed copies.


If remittance advice is to be sent by E-Mail, enter the address to send to. This defaults to the address on the Details 1 tab.


If remittance advice is to be sent by Fax, enter the fax number to send to. This defaults to the number on the Details 1 tab.

Social Media


The Creditor's Facebook account ID. This can be a numerical ID, or a Facebook username, if they have one.


The Creditor's LinkedIn account ID. This must be the numerical ID.


The Creditor's Twitter account username.

Note: If you do not know a Creditor's social media details, you can search for them on the Social tab.