Available Reports
MYOB Exo Health and Safety's reports concern insurance providers' requirements, OSH requirements, reminders and masterfile listings.
Employee Reports | Maintenance_Reports | Forms | Training_Reports | Statistics_Reports
Employee Reports
Report Type |
Content |
Claims |
Lists all the Claims that have been made from the company, the accident which they resulted from, the mechanism which caused the accident, and the location of injury. |
Employee Induction |
Displays inductions added to employees. |
Employee Notes |
Displays notes added to employees. |
Employees |
Lists employee names, risk areas and contact details. |
Equipment Issue |
Lists safety-related equipment given to employees, and the dates of issue, review and replacement. |
Incident |
Lists all the near-accidents which have occurred in the company, describing how and why the employee was exposed to a hazardous event. |
Lost Time Injury |
Displays the administrative and labour replacement costs incurred after a workplace accident. |
Notes |
Displays notes added to Maintenance Menu items. |
Summary |
Contains a full listing of employee information, including employee details, hazard training, job requirements, incidents, accidents and claims. |
Maintenance Reports
Report Type |
Content |
Hazard Identification |
This is a blank form which you can fill out with details of your workplace hazards. The advantage being that you can take it anywhere – to the site in question, to a brainstorming session, etc. |
Hazards |
Shows all of the potential and actual hazards in the workplace, ideas for counteracting those hazards, and follow-up dates for putting those ideas into practice. |
Hazards by Risk Area |
Shows hazards in the workplace, for each risk area that has been assigned hazard training for that hazard. In this way you can get a self-contained view of each risk area's hazards. One hazard appear under several risk areas. |
Induction Plan |
Prints out the selected induction plan report(s). |
Job Requirements |
Lists the requirements/qualifications/level of competency required to hold the job safely. |
Risk Areas |
Lists names and descriptions for Risk Areas, as recorded on the Maintenance menu. |
Safety Equipment |
Displays details of all items of safety equipment, as recorded on the Maintenance menu. |
Third Party Providers |
Displays the company's third party providers, e.g. medical providers, as recorded on the Maintenance menu. |
User Security |
Lists all the users that have access to the system and the areas they can access. |
Report Type |
Content |
Accident Insurance Claim |
Reproduces the Insurance Claim Form, for claiming insurance cover for work-related accidents. |
Accident Investigation |
A Worksafe report on what happened during any given accident, along with working conditions, cause of accident, treatment details and prevention recommendations made by the Accident Co-ordinator. |
Notice of Serious Harm |
Similar to the Incident Register, a Worksafe report which displays how any given accident has occurred, who was affected and the nature of the accident/serious harm. |
Training Reports
Report Type |
Content |
Hazard Training Assigned |
Lists the hazard training instructions for each occupation's/risk area's hazard training. |
Hazard Training Sheet |
Lists the hazard training instructions for each employee's hazard training. |
Hazard Training by Employee |
Lists the current status of each employee's hazard training in order of employees receiving the training. |
Hazard Training by Hazard |
Lists the current status of each employee's hazard training in order of hazard. |
Hazard Training by Review Date |
Lists the current status of each employee's hazard training in order of review date and employee. |
Job Requirements Training Assigned |
Lists the job requirement training for each occupation's/risk area. |
Job Requirements Training by Employee |
Lists the current status of each employee's job requirement training in order of employees receiving the training. |
Job Requirements Training by Job Requirement |
Lists the current status of each employee's job requirement training in order of job requirement. |
Job Requirements Training by Review Date |
Lists the current status of each employee's job requirement training in order of review date and employee. |
Job Requirements Training Sheet |
Lists the instructions for each employee's job requirements training. |
Statistics Reports
Report Type |
Content |
Accident by Injury Type |
Display a count of how many accident there are for a given body part. |
Accident by Occupation |
Display a count of how many accidents there are for a given occupation. |
Accident by Risk Area |
Display a count of how many accidents there are for a given risk area. |
Incident Cost |
This shows how much unnecessary incidents are costing the company, in terms of equipment damage and/or lost productivity hours. |