MYOB Exo Health and Safety

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Available Reports

MYOB Exo Health and Safety's reports concern insurance providers' requirements, OSH requirements, reminders and masterfile listings.

Employee Reports | Maintenance_Reports | Forms | Training_Reports | Statistics_Reports

Employee Reports

Report Type



Lists all the Claims that have been made from the company, the accident which they resulted from, the mechanism which caused the accident, and the location of injury.

Employee Induction

Displays inductions added to employees.

Employee Notes

Displays notes added to employees.


Lists employee names, risk areas and contact details.

Equipment Issue

Lists safety-related equipment given to employees, and the dates of issue, review and replacement.


Lists all the near-accidents which have occurred in the company, describing how and why the employee was exposed to a hazardous event.

Lost Time Injury

Displays the administrative and labour replacement costs incurred after a workplace accident.


Displays notes added to Maintenance Menu items.


Contains a full listing of employee information, including employee details, hazard training, job requirements, incidents, accidents and claims.

Maintenance Reports

Report Type


Hazard Identification

This is a blank form which you can fill out with details of your workplace hazards. The advantage being that you can take it anywhere – to the site in question, to a brainstorming session, etc.


Shows all of the potential and actual hazards in the workplace, ideas for counteracting those hazards, and follow-up dates for putting those ideas into practice.

Hazards by Risk Area

Shows hazards in the workplace, for each risk area that has been assigned hazard training for that hazard. In this way you can get a self-contained view of each risk area's hazards. One hazard appear under several risk areas.

Induction Plan

Prints out the selected induction plan report(s).

Job Requirements

Lists the requirements/qualifications/level of competency required to hold the job safely.

Risk Areas

Lists names and descriptions for Risk Areas, as recorded on the Maintenance menu.

Safety Equipment

Displays details of all items of safety equipment, as recorded on the Maintenance menu.

Third Party Providers

Displays the company's third party providers, e.g. medical providers, as recorded on the Maintenance menu.

User Security

Lists all the users that have access to the system and the areas they can access.


Report Type


Accident Insurance Claim

Reproduces the Insurance Claim Form, for claiming insurance cover for work-related accidents.

Accident Investigation

A Worksafe report on what happened during any given accident, along with working conditions, cause of accident, treatment details and prevention recommendations made by the Accident Co-ordinator.

Notice of Serious Harm

Similar to the Incident Register, a Worksafe report which displays how any given accident has occurred, who was affected and the nature of the accident/serious harm.

Training Reports

Report Type


Hazard Training Assigned

Lists the hazard training instructions for each occupation's/risk area's hazard training.

Hazard Training Sheet

Lists the hazard training instructions for each employee's hazard training.

Hazard Training by Employee

Lists the current status of each employee's hazard training in order of employees receiving the training.

Hazard Training by Hazard

Lists the current status of each employee's hazard training in order of hazard.

Hazard Training by Review Date

Lists the current status of each employee's hazard training in order of review date and employee.

Job Requirements Training Assigned

Lists the job requirement training for each occupation's/risk area.

Job Requirements Training by Employee

Lists the current status of each employee's job requirement training in order of employees receiving the training.

Job Requirements Training by Job Requirement

Lists the current status of each employee's job requirement training in order of job requirement.

Job Requirements Training by Review Date

Lists the current status of each employee's job requirement training in order of review date and employee.

Job Requirements Training Sheet

Lists the instructions for each employee's job requirements training.

Statistics Reports

Report Type


Accident by Injury Type

Display a count of how many accident there are for a given body part.

Accident by Occupation

Display a count of how many accidents there are for a given occupation.

Accident by Risk Area

Display a count of how many accidents there are for a given risk area.

Incident Cost

This shows how much unnecessary incidents are costing the company, in terms of equipment damage and/or lost productivity hours.