MYOB Exo Health and Safety

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Hazard Details

The Hazard Details tab of the Hazard Maintenance window contains basic information about the hazard.


Hazard Code  Enter a unique numeric code for this hazard.

Name  Detail the hazard as it would be encountered by the worker, explain what event(s) could occur if the hazard were to lead to an incident.

Description  Enter the main type of injury that might be sustained if this hazard were to result in an incident.

Is this a Significant Hazard?  Tick this box if the hazard is classed as significant. Significant hazards need to be assessed as such during the OSH auditing process.

Hazard Status  Select the status of the hazard, which indicates how it should be dealt with. Choose from:

  • Eliminate - The hazards should be removed/destroyed/relocated/remedied
  • Isolate - The hazard should be cordoned off/quarantined/hidden/covered
  • Minimise - The hazard should be tidied/signposted

Reason for Hazard Status  Enter an explanation for the assignment of the Hazard Status.

Action Proposed  Enter the response proposed for the management of the hazard.

Hazard Area  You can add a picture of the hazard area. Click Insert File to browse for the image to display. Supported image file formats are bitmap (BMP), JPEG and GIF.