Employee Details
When adding a new employee, only the Employee Details tab that is available initially. This is deliberate, as there are compulsory details required on this tab before you can continue. If you are opening/editing an existing employee, all tabs are immediately available.
The Employee Details tab contains the following details:
Required Information
The details in this section must be completed before the other tabs on the Employee Maintenance window become available.
Code The unique numerical code that identifies the employee.
Title Select employee's title from drop down selection box.
Surname Enter employee's surname.
First Name Enter employee's first name(s).
Alpha Code For sorting and listing employees the system uses the first eight letters of the employee's surname as a sort code. This is shown here automatically. This alpha code must be unique. This alpha code must be unique. If a message appears that says "Alpha Code cannot be empty and must be unique" or "invalid input", it means that this Alpha Code is already in use, probably for an employee with the same surname. To correct this, change the Alpha Code to something else, e.g. by making the last character of the Alpha Code the employee's first initial.
Start Date Enter the employee's start date. The employee's years of service are displayed next to the start date. This value is calculated as the system date minus the Start Date.
Employee Group Specify the Employee Group that this employee belongs to.
Position Specify the Position that this employee holds.
Personal Details
These are all self-explanatory. If the Birth date is entered in MYOB Exo Payroll, it will be displayed in this field. The Gender will also come through from the Exo Payroll.
Next to some fields you will see a
button; this indicates that you have the ability to add pre-set selections,
depending on your organization's specific requirements.
If the system is integrated with the Health and Safety module, the following information is automatically inserted:
- Country of Birth
- Ethnicity
- Home Language
Employment Information
Occupation The employee's occupation, as taken from MYOB Exo Payroll. This is not necessarily the same as the employee's Position. If the system is operated as a standalone system, there is no need to enter the Occupation.
Pay Frequency Select the pay frequency this employee belongs to
IRD Number Enter the employee's IRD number. The system will validate the number entered as being a valid IRD number.
Tax Code Enter the employee's tax code. Note that some tax codes are not accessible unless a valid IRD number has been entered.
SLCIR / SLBOR If the employee has a Student Loan tax code (i.e. one that ends in "SL"), these fields becomes available. They specify any additional Student Loan repayments that may have been set up for the employee.
Full / Part Time Select an appropriate employment status from the following list: Full-Time, Part-Time.
Salary / Wage Select an appropriate form of remuneration from the following list: Salary, Wage.
Permanent / Casual Select an appropriate employment status from the following list: Permanent, Casual.
You can insert an employee's photo if your organisation requires this. Click the Insert Photo button and select the image file. Only bitmap (.BMP) files are supported.
To remove the employee's photo, click Clear.