Doing Your Daily Time Card
In MYOB Acumatica Professional Services Edition, time cards are done daily. Each working day you need to create a new timesheet and add entries to record the time you spend working on jobs.
Creating a New Time Card
Go to Daily Time Cards (MYPE4060). The screen opens on your personal employee record.
Click Add New Record.
A new time card is created for today’s date, and the Daily Time Card (EP00000105) form opens. It also pulls through any activities already created on the Employee Time Activities form (EP307000) and the project’s Activities tab.
Add your time to the time card.
Once you’re done, click Save to finish adding the time card.Tip:Timesheets for a different dates and people
If you need to (and have the correct user permissions) you can change the Date and Employee fields. Avoid creating a timesheet for a future date.
Adding Time to a Time Card
Go to Daily Time Cards (MYPE4060). The screen opens on today’s timesheet.
If you are adding time to a different timesheet, select a different Date or Employee.
In the Details tab, click Add Row. A new row appears in the table.
Choose which task you’re working on by selecting a Customer, Task and Project.
For non-billable activities that don’t relate to a specific customer, select INTERNAL as the customer, and then an appropriate internal project.
If you select a Project first, the customer will be added automatically.
For activities that don’t belong to a project, select your company’s non-project code (usually X).
Update the billing information, if needed:
To change the billing rate for this entry, select a Labour Item.
Select whether the entry is Billable.Note:Billing information is normally set by default, so you don’t need to change it often.
Check the start time in the Time field and update it if needed.
This field is prepopulated based off the previous entry.
When you stop working on the task, enter how much time you spent on it, either in Units (usually set to be six-minutes each), or in minutes and hours in the Time Spent field.
Update the status of the task. If you’ve finished this stage of the task, select Done, and select the new Workflow Stage.
Enter a Description of what you were working on for this entry.
To start a new entry, click Add Row again, or just press Tab on your keyboard.
The new row automatically populates the Start Time based on the previous entry.
Whenever you finish adding some time, click Save.
Checking Your Chargeable Time
The top panel of the Daily Time Card screen shows you how you’re tracking. Total Units, Total Time Spent, and Chargeable Time tell you how much time you’ve added so far today.
Changing and Submitting your Time Card
To change any timesheet entries, just click into a field and update it.
If you need to get rid of an entry completely, click Delete Row. Select the checkboxes on the left first to delete multiple entries.
- When your timesheet is complete for the day, click Submit to send it to your manager for approval, or Release if you don’t need approval.When you’ve successfully submitted or released your timesheet, a message will appear.Note:If you haven’t reached your Target Time for the day, the Submit button my not be available or you might get a warning message.
Leave on Your Time Card
Any leave you’ve submitted will show as entries on your daily time card.
If you submit any leave after creating your time card, go to the Details tab and click Load Leave Request to bring it through.