Payment Batches

Form ID: (PR305000)

You can use this form to select a batch of payments to employees, including direct deposit payments. The batch can then be submitted for the Automated Clearing House (ACH) processing.

You can select a batch of payments for processing and then export the payments to a file by using the export scenario that is specified for the payment method on the Payment Methods (CA204000) form. The file with exported data can then be emailed to the appropriate bank or processed in any other intended way.

If an employee has multiple bank accounts configured, the form will display one line for each active bank account with the amount sent to this particular account.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description
Cancel Payment Changes the status of the batch to Ready for Export if none of the paychecks has been released. Also, this command changes the statuses of the associated paychecks to Payment Batch Created.
Confirm Payment

Changes the statuses of the paycheck and the batch to Paid.

This command is available for a batch with the Ready for Export status.

Confirm Payment and Release

Changes the status of the paychecks in the batch to Released and the status of the batch to Closed.

This command is available for a batch with the Ready for Export status and only if the Automatically Release on Payment check box is selected on the Payroll Preferences (PR101000) form.

Display Pay Stubs Opens the Pay Stubs report populated with the information of the related pay stubs.

Exports the batch of payments to an ACH file if the US Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form or to an EFT file if the Canadian Payroll feature is enabled.

This command is available for a batch with the Ready for Export, Paid, or Closed status. This command is not available for a batch with the Check payment method specified.

When exporting a batch, you need to enter an export reason in the Export Reason dialog box. During the very first export, Initial Export is automatically specified as the export reason.

Export as Prenote

Exports the batch of payments as a prenote, which is an ACH file with a zero net pay amount specified for each transaction in the batch details. A prenote can be used for the validation of the payment information by the bank before the release of the payment.

This command is available for a batch with the Ready for Export, Paid, or Closed status. This command is not available for a batch with the Check payment method specified.

Print Checks

Opens the Print Checks dialog box that displays the paychecks to be printed.

This command is available only for payment batches that contain paychecks. This command is not available for a batch with the Direct Deposit payment method specified.


Changes the status of the paychecks in the batch to Released and the status of the batch to Closed.

A final paycheck will not be released if the employee has released paychecks for pay periods that follow the pay period of the final paycheck; if this is the case, you first need to void all these paychecks to be able to release the final paycheck.

For a batch with the Closed status, the command releases the paychecks that have not yet been released.

Table 1. Export Reason Dialog BoxIn this dialog box, you specify an export reason when exporting a payment batch.
Element Description
Export Reason The reason for the payment batch export, which can be one of the following: Wrong Employee Configuration, Error in Paycheck, Error in Batch, Prenote Export, or Other. (Selecting Other makes the Other Reason box editable.)
Other Reason

The reason for the payment batch export that you specify in free format.

This box is editable only if Other is selected in the Export Reason box.

This dialog box has the following buttons.
OK Accepts the specified export reason and closes the dialog box.
Table 2. Print Checks Dialog BoxIn the dialog box, when printing or reprinting paychecks, you need to specify the check number that will be printed on the physical check and a reason for printing.
Element Description
Print Reason The reason for printing the selected checks, which can be one of the following: Failed to Print, Lost, Damaged, Stolen, Corrected, Added Paycheck, or Other. (Selecting Other makes the Other Reason box editable.)
Other Reason

The reason for printing the selected checks that you specify in free format.

This box is editable only if Other is selected in the Export Reason box.

Next Check Number The check number that will be printed on the next physical check.
This dialog box contains a table with the following columns.
Selected A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document will be printed when you click OK at the bottom of the dialog box. By default, this check box is selected for all listed documents.
Type The payment type.
Reference Nbr. The unique identifier of the payment document.
Status The status of the payment.
Description The description of the payment document.
Employee The unique identifier of the employee.
Employee Name The display name of the employee.
Pay Group The pay group to which the employee belongs.
Pay Period The pay period of the payment document.
Net Pay The net pay amount.
This dialog box has the following buttons.
OK Opens the Paychecks report that displays information on the selected payment documents.

Summary Area

By using the elements in this Summary area, you can select a batch of ACH payments and view its details.

Element Description
Reference Nbr. The unique reference number of the batch of payments.
Status The status of the batch, which the system assigns automatically. A batch can have one of the following statuses:
  • Ready for Export (default): All the associated paychecks have the Payment Batch Created status.
  • Ready to Print:
  • Waiting Paycheck Calculation: At least one of the associated paychecks has a status that differs from Payment Batch Created. Paychecks can still be added to a batch with this status.
  • Paid: The associated paycheck has the Paid status. The Cancel Payment command is available for a batch with this status.
  • Closed: One of the associated paychecks has been released and has the Released, Liability Partially Paid, or Closed status.
Batch Date The date when the batch was created.
Cash Account The cash account used for payment.
Payment Method The payment method associated with the cash account.
Export Time The date and time when the export was performed.
Description A description of the batch, which may help to identify it.
Batch Total The total amount for the batch, which is calculated as the sum of all payment amounts.

Batch Details Tab

The table on this tab contains a list of payment documents that make up the batch. The table may contain more than one row per payment number if the employee has chosen to split his paycheck between multiple bank accounts (for example, a checking account and a savings account). Also, if you decided to process multiple payments at the same time, multiple lines would get created.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 3. Table Columns
Column Description
Doc. Type The type of the document.
Reference Nbr. The reference number of the document.
Status The document status.
Description The description of the document.
Employee The identifier of the employee.
Pay Group The unique identifier of the pay group associated with the employee.
Pay Period The unique identifier of the pay period used to generate the paycheck.
Amount The net payment amount.

Export History Tab

On this tab, the system maintains the history of all export and printing attempts and logs the name of the user who ran the export, as well as the export date, time, reason, and batch total.

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Table 4. Table Toolbar
Button Description
Export Details For the selected log entry, opens the Export Details dialog box that shows the user name, log time, and reason, along with a list of the paychecks included in the export.
Table 5. Table Columns
Column Description
Display Name The name of the user who ran the export.
Export Time The time of the export.
Reason The reason for the export, which can be one of the following: Initial Export, Wrong Employee Configuration, Error in Paycheck, Error in Batch, Prenote Export, or a custom reason.
Batch Total The batch total. For a prenote export, the batch total is 0.
Table 6. Export Details Dialog Box
Element Description
Display Name The name of the user who ran the export.
Export Time The time of the export.
Reason The reason for the export.
This dialog box contains a table with the following columns.
Type The type of the paycheck.
Reference Nbr. The identifier of the paycheck.
Description The description of the paycheck.
Employee The identifier of the employee whose paycheck was exported.
Employee Name The display name of the employee whose paycheck was exported.
Pay Group The pay group with which the employee is associated.
Pay Period The pay period of the paycheck.
Net Amount The net amount paid to the employee.
Check Nbr. The number of the printed check.
This dialog box has the following buttons.
OK Closes the dialog box.

Printing History Tab

On this tab, the system maintains the history of all printing attempts and logs the name of the user who initiated the printing, as well as the printing date, time, reason, and batch total.

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Table 7. Table Toolbar
Button Description
Printing Details For the selected log entry, opens the Printing Details dialog box that shows the user name, log time, and printing reason, along with a list of the printed paychecks.
Table 8. Table Columns
Column Description
Display Name The name of the user who printed the batch.
Printing Time The time of the printing.
Reason The reason for the export, which can be one of the following: Initial Printing, Failed to Print, Lost, Damaged, Stolen, Corrected, Added Paycheck, or a custom reason.
Batch Total The batch total.