Access Rights by Licence Type

Form ID: (MY.SM.20.20)

On this form, you can view the access rights each licence type has to system forms.

You can also set access rights to modules on the Access Rights by Screen (SM.20.10.20) form and set access rights to modules on the Access Rights by Role (SM.20.10.25) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes the following form-specific buttons.

Button Description
Discard Changes Undoes any changes that have been made on this form, reverting all settings to their defaults.
Export Access Exports the access information as an XML file.

Left Pane

In this pane, system modules are represented as first-level nodes. The top node represents the home page dashboard. Click a node icon to the left of any module to expand the node and view the hierarchical structure of the module. Some modules have a one-level list of forms, while other modules have more levels in the list. When you click a form, the right pane displays the list of licence types.

Right Pane

In this pane, you can view the access rights of all licence types for the selected form.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Role The name of the licence type.
Role Right The access rights of the licence type for the selected form, which will be one of:
  • Not Allowed - Users of this licence type cannot access the form.
  • ReadOnly - Users of this licence type have access to view the form but cannot make any edits.
  • Delete - Users of this licence type have full access to the form.