Initial Configuration: To Set Up a Shopify Store

This activity will guide you through the process of signing up for a Shopify trial account and performing the minimum configuration of a Shopify store so that it can be connected with the MYOB Advanced instance.


The SweetLife company is planning on opening an online store built on the Shopify platform. The store's warehouse, from which the goods sold online will be shipped, is based in New York. The company maintains the prices of its products in U.S. dollars and delivers products across New York by using the company's own vehicles. As an implementation consultant helping SweetLife to implement the integration between Shopify and MYOB Advanced, you want to set up a new store and perform the minimum required configuration of the Shopify store that will be sufficient to proceed with the configuration of the integration.

Process Overview

In this activity, you will perform the following steps in Shopify:

  1. Sign up for a Shopify trial account
  2. Set the store time zone
  3. Set up the store currency
  4. Review the default shipping options

Step 1: Signing Up for a Shopify Trial Account

Attention: This activity covers the creation and basic configuration of a new Shopify store. The results of performing the instructions presented below are used in subsequent activities. We recommend that you sign up for a new trial account and create a new store for testing purposes. If you have an existing test store and do not want to set up another one, make sure that in the subsequent activities, you make the necessary adjustments where the results of the current activity are used.

Create a Shopify trial account as follows:

  1. On the webpage, enter your email address in the text box and click Start free trial.
  2. Enter a new password and the name of your store, and click Create your store.

    The store name you enter will be used in the URL of the store (<storename> Make sure to memorize the password because you will need it to sign in to the store.

    In subsequent activities, SweetStore - SP will be used as the store name.

  3. In Step 1 of the questionnaire, click Skip.
  4. In Step 2 of the questionnaire, specify the following information:
    • First name: John
    • Last name: Smith
    • Address: 2330 Hoffman Avenue
    • City: New York
    • Country/region: United States
    • State: New York
    • ZIP code: 11003
    • Phone: 516 555 0150

    The address you enter at this point will be the default address of your store, which is used for calculation of shipping rates.

  5. Click Enter my store.

    You will be signed in to your Shopify store.

Step 2: Setting the Store Time Zone

While you are signed in to the admin area of your Shopify store, do the following:

  1. In the lower left, click Settings > Store details.
  2. On the Store details settings page, which opens, in the Standards and formats section, set Time zone to (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
  3. In the upper right, click Save.

Step 3: Setting Up the Store Currency

To select the currency that will be used for charging customers, do the following:

  1. While you are still viewing the Store details settings page, review the currency settings in the Store currency section.

    Notice that in the Store currency box, US dollars (USD) is selected. This value is selected automatically based on the address of your store that you have specified in Step 1.

  2. If Store currency is set to any value other than US dollars (USD), change it to US dollars (USD) and click Save.

Step 4: Reviewing the Default Shipping Options

To review shipping options that will be available to shoppers, do the following:

  1. While you are signed in to the admin area of your Shopify store, click Settings > Shipping and delivery.
  2. On the Shipping and delivery page, which opens, in the Shipping section, click the Manage rates link right of General shipping rates.
  3. On the General profile page, which opens, review that the settings that have been defined by default during the creation of the store.

    Notice that the Shipping origins section displays the address that you specified for your store while creating the trial account. In the Shipping to section, notice that two shipping zones (Domestic and International) have been created by default, and a set of rates has been defined for each of these zones. These shipping zones will be used in subsequent activities.

You have specified the minimum set of store settings that you will need for the basic configuration of the Shopify integration with MYOB Advanced. Now you should proceed to establish the connection between the Shopify store and your MYOB Advanced instance, as described in Initial Configuration: To Establish the Store Connection with a Custom App.