Registration of an OAuth 2.0 or OIDC Application: JWT Bearer Tokens

MYOB Acumatica implements support for JSON Web Token (JWT) bearer tokens for client authentication. With this support, the private secret key is stored only in the client application, while the MYOB Acumatica instance holds the public key.

Registration of the Application

When you register the application on the Connected Applications (SM303010) form, you add either a JSON Web Key (JWK) or a JSON Web Key Set(JWKS) URL on the Secrets tab.

To add a JWK, you click the new Add JSON Web Key button on the table toolbar and specify the needed settings in the dialog box that opens. For JWK, MYOB Acumatica supports the format that is defined in RFC7517 (

To add a JWKS URL, you click the new Add JSON Web Key Set URL button on the table toolbar and specify the needed settings in the dialog box that opens. The JWKS URL should point to a location that satisfies the following requirements:

  • It is accessible from each MYOB Acumatica instance that is used with the client application. If the location is inaccessible, the token request is declined with the invalid_client error.
  • It complies with RFC7515 (
  • It should support a reasonable load because each MYOB Acumatica instance that is used with the client application will access this location on every token request.