OAuth 2.0 and OIDC: Obtaining of the User Data
To obtain the user data, the client application can connect to the user information
endpoint of MYOB Acumatica with the GET
HTTP method. See details on the request and the response in
the following sections.
The way of obtaining user data that is described in this topic is
optional. The recommended way is to parse the validated ID token, which contains the same
claims as the ones that are obtained through the request described in this topic. The
recommended way does not require an additional call to MYOB Acumatica.
HTTP Method and URL
The client application connects to the user information endpoint of MYOB Acumatica with theGET
HTTP method. The client application can use one of the
following options for the URL:- If the client application supports OpenID Connect
Discovery, the client application can use the discovery endpoint address, as shown in
the following code.
https://<MYOB Acumatica instance URL>/identity/.well-known/openid-configuration
Note:We recommend that the client application use the discovery endpoint address, which eliminates the need to change the application if the target endpoint address changes. - The client application can directly use the address of the user information endpoint,
which is shown below.
https://<MYOB Acumatica instance URL>/identity/connect/userinfo
HTTP Header
To obtain the user data, you use the following HTTP header.
Key | Value |
Authorization |
The token type, which is Bearer, and the access token that the client
application has received from the authorization or token endpoint. The client
application should include the access token in the Authorization
header of each request to MYOB Acumatica. Note: For the application to obtain the user data, the access token must include
the openid scope. |
Response Body
The response body includes the claims to which the user has provided access in JSON format.
An example of a request to the user information endpoint is shown below.
GET /AcumaticaDB/identity/connect/userinfo HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Authorization: Bearer cde78a99a2dc6388eb8c7242a90cf9bc
MYOB Acumatica verifies the provided access token and returns the following data in the response body.
"name": "Kimberly Gibbs",
"given_name": "Kimberly",
"family_name": "Gibbs",
"preferred_username": "gibbs",
"email": "gibbs@sweetlife.com",
"zoneinfo": "",
"updated_at": "1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM",
"sub": "gibbs@U100"