Request a Report

To request a report by using the contract-based REST API, you access the needed URL with the POST HTTP method. You pass the parameters of the report in JSON format in the request body.

See the following sections for details on the request and the response.

HTTP Method and URL

If you need to retrieve a report from MYOB Acumatica, you use the POST HTTP method and the following URL.

POST http://<Base endpoint URL>/<Report entity>
The URL has the following components:
  • <Base endpoint URL>: The URL of the contract-based endpoint through which you are going to work with MYOB Acumatica. This URL has the following format: http://<MYOB Acumatica instance URL>/entity/<Endpoint name>/<Endpoint version>/.
  • <Report entity>: The name of the entity that corresponds to the report that you are going to obtain.

For example, suppose that the created custom endpoint has the http://localhost/AcumaticaDB/entity/Report/0001/ URL and the CashAccountSummary report entity. The developer would use the following HTTP method and URL.

POST http://localhost/AcumaticaDB/entity/Report/0001/CashAccountSummary


You use no parameters when you request a report from MYOB Acumatica.

Request Headers

You can specify the following headers in the request.

Header Description
Accept Specifies the format in which the report should be returned. The format (and the respective header value) can be one of the following:
  • PDF: application/pdf
  • HTML: text/html
  • Excel: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
If the Accept header is not specified, the report is returned in PDF format.

Specifies the format of the request body, which should be application/json.


Specifies the language in which the report should be returned from MYOB Acumatica. The header value can be one of the following:

  • A locale name that is specified on the System Locales (SM200550) form, such as fr-FR: If this locale is defined on the form and is active, the report in this language will be returned. If this locale is not defined on the form or is inactive, the active locale with the lowest sequence number that is defined on the form is used for the returned report.
  • Empty or *: The returned report uses the active locale with the lowest sequence number that is defined on the form.
  • Multiple locale names that are weighted with the quality value syntax, such as fr-FR, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5: To generate the returned report, the system uses the requested locale that is defined on the form, is active, and has the highest priority specified. For more information about quality values, see

Request Body

In the request body, you specify the parameters of the report in JSON format, as shown in the following example.
    "CompanyBranch": {"value": "SOFT"},
    "IncludeNonClearedTransactions": {"value": true}

If no parameters are specified in the request body, the default parameters of the report are used.

You can find details on how to represent a record in JSON format in Representation of a Record in JSON Format.

Response Status Codes

The following table lists the HTTP status codes that the system returns for a request for a report.

Code Description
202 The operation is in progress. The Location header of the response contains the URL that you can use to obtain the requested report by using the GET HTTP method. When the report is ready, this GET request returns the 200 OK status code. The requested report is returned in the response body.

The data specified in the request is invalid.


The user is not signed in to the system.


An internal server error has occurred.

Response Body

After the request succeeds, the response body is empty.


In the request examples below, <MYOB Acumatica instance URL> is the URL of the MYOB Acumatica instance (such as You can omit the instance name in the URL (such as if the instance is installed in the root of the website.
The following request shows an example of a PDF version being requested of the Cash Account Summary (CA633000) report through the REST API of the custom Report/0001 endpoint.
POST /entity/Report/0001/CashAccountSummary HTTP/1.1
Host: [<MYOB Acumatica instance URL>]
Accept: application/pdf
Content-Type: application/json

    "CompanyBranch": {"value": "SOFT"},
    "IncludeNonClearedTransactions": {"value": true}

The response of the successful request contains the Location header similar to the following: /<instance name>/entity/Report/0001/CashAccountSummary/report/PDF/7049baf4-9387-4dd4-9eb5-e975cc8d1a96. When the report is ready, a GET request to this URL returns the requested report in the response body.