Login() Method

You use the Login() method to make the client application sign in to MYOB Advanced.

Note: Instead of directly signing in to MYOB Advanced, your application can use the OAuth 2.0 authorization. For details about OAuth 2.0, see Authorizing Client Applications to Work with MYOB Advanced.


public LoginResult Login(string name, string password)


  • name: The username that the application should use to sign in to MYOB Advanced, such as "admin".

    To sign in to a specific MYOB Advanced tenant, specify the name parameter as follows: UserName@TenantName, where you should specify the username instead of UserName and the tenant name instead of TenantName. For example, if you sign in to the tenant with the name Dollar as the user with the name admin, you should specify the parameter as admin@Dollar. You can view the name that should be used for the tenant in the Login Name box of the Tenants (SM203520) form.

    To sign in to a certain branch in the tenant, specify the parameter as follows: UserName@TenantName:BranchName, where you should specify the username instead of UserName, the tenant name instead of TenantName, and the branch ID instead of BranchName. You can view the ID of the branch in the Branch ID box of the Branches (CS102000) form. For example, if you sign in to the East branch of the Dollar tenant as the user with the name admin, you should specify the parameter as admin@Dollar:East.

  • password: The password for the username, such as "123".

Return Value

The method returns the LoginResult object, which contains the description of errors that occurred during signing in, if any.


The following code signs in to MYOB Advanced by using the parameters that are specified in the application settings.

Screen context = new Screen();
context.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
context.Url = "https://localhost/WebServiceAPITest/Soap/MYSTORE.asmx";
context.Login("admin@MyTenant:MYSTORE", "123");

Usage Notes

Before you sign in to MYOB Advanced by using the Login() method, do the following:
  1. Initialize the CookieContainer property of the object with a new System.Net.CookieContainer(). The CookieContainer property is a standard property of an object of the HttpWebClientProtocol system type. (The Screen class is derived from the HttpWebClientProtocol class.) This property is used to maintain the session state for a client.
  2. Specify the URL of the web service in the URL property of the object. This is the same URL that you specify when you add a web reference to the MYOB Advanced web service. You can change the URL of the service dynamically in your application if you need to switch between multiple MYOB Advanced web services.
For each call of the Login() method, you must call the Logout() method after you finish your work with MYOB Advanced to close the session. Therefore, when you are working with the web services API, we recommend that you use the pattern that is shown in the following code.
  //Connect to the web services and log in to MYOB Advanced
  Screen context = new Screen();
    //Import, export, or submit data
    //Log out from MYOB Advanced

You should take into account MYOB Advanced license API limits when using the Login() method. For details, see License Restrictions for API Users.