Step 3: Adding the Action to the Workflow

In this step, you will add the ReleaseFromHold action to the workflow and specify a category for the associated Remove Hold command on the More menu.

Defining the Remove Hold Action in the Workflow

To add the ReleaseFromHold action to the workflow, do the following:

  1. In the RSSVWorkOrderWorkflow class, in the Configure method, locate the AddDefaultFlow method. (You have added this method in Step 3: Overriding the Configure Method.)
  2. For the screen parameter, call the WithActions method after the WithCategories method, as the following code shows.
                    .WithActions(actions => 
                    {                })
  3. In the lambda expression of the WithActions method, add the ReleaseFromHold action by calling the Add method, as the following code shows.
                        actions.Add(g => g.ReleaseFromHold, c => c

    In the code above, you have added the ReleaseFromHold action, which you defined in the RSSVWorkOrderEntry graph in Step 1: Implementing the Action in the Graph, to the screen configuration. By calling the WithCategory method, you have specified the category in which the command associated with the action is displayed on the More menu.

  4. Save your changes.

You will use this action later to trigger a transition.