Button: Layout Examples

In this topic, you can find examples of ways to configure various layouts with buttons.

Button Below a UI Element

Suppose that you want to place the Address Lookup button below (on the next row) the Override Address check box, as shown in the following screenshot.

Figure 1. A button placed below a check box

You use the following code.

<field name="OverrideAddress">
  <qp-address-lookup class="col-12" view.bind="Shipping_Address">

In the preceding code, you have specified class="col-12" for the check box, which causes the Address Lookup button to be moved to the next row.

Button Above a Set of UI Elements

Suppose that you need to display the Shop for Rates button above a set of boxes, as shown in the following screenshot.

Figure 2. A button placed above other elements

You need to put the qp-button tag within the field tag with the replace-content and unbound attributes, as shown in the following code example.

<qp-fieldset slot="A" id="currentDocument_formDeliverySettings" 
  wg-container view.bind="CurrentDocument" caption="Delivery Settings">
  <field name="fakename" replace-content unbound>
    <qp-button id="buttonShopRates" class="col-12" state.bind="ShopRates"></qp-button>
  <field name="FOBPoint"></field>
  <field name="Priority"></field>
  <field name="ShipTermsID"></field>

Button with a Fixed Width

Suppose that you want to set a fixed width to be used for the Shop for Rates button regardless of the width of the screen, as shown in the following screenshots.

Figure 3. A button with a fixed width on a narrow screen

Figure 4. A button with a fixed width on a wide screen

You need to specify the class="col-auto" attribute to set a fixed width for the button, as shown in the following code example.

<field name="ShipVia">
  <qp-button id="btnShopRates" state.bind="ShopRates" class="col-auto">

Button with an Image

An image for a button is an SVG icon that is stored in the \Content\svg_icons folder of your instance. You can add a button with an image by using one of the following approaches:

  • Specify the ImageSet and ImageKey properties in the PXButton attribute of the corresponding action in the graph code.
  • Specify the config attribute and provide a value for the imageSet and imageKey properties in it.

The ImageSet (declared in a graph) or imageSet (declared in HTML) property specifies one of the icon sets available in the \Content\svg_icons folder. The ImageKey (declared in a graph) or imageKey (declared in HTML) property specifies a particular item from this icon set.

The following code example shows you how to define the Refresh image for a button whose action is defined in the graph code.

[PXButton(ImageKey = Web.UI.Sprite.Main.Refresh, ImageSet = Web.UI.Sprite.AliasMain)]
public IEnumerable Refresh(PXAdapter adapter) {}

The following code example shows you how to define the Refresh image for a button in HTML. This code adds a button to the right of an existing field.

<field name="CuryOrigDocAmt">
  <qp-button id="buttonAdjustDocAmt" state.bind="model.viewModel.AdjustDocAmt" class="col-4"
    config.bind="{imageSet: 'main', imageKey: 'Refresh'}"></qp-button>