CA DACs: Reference Data

In this topic, you can find information about the data access classes (DACs) that contain reference data that is used in most of the DACs in cash management.

Cash Management Setup

The following DACs are used for the configuration of the cash management functionality:

Reference DACs

The following table lists the reference DACs.
DAC Description
CABankTranRule Represents the rule that can be applied to CABankTran in order to automatically create a cash transaction for that bank transaction.
CashAccount Stores the details and settings of cash accounts.
CashAccountCheck Maintains the numbers of already printed check forms to avoid duplication of the used numbers.
CashAccountETDetail Defines the settings for deposit to the cash account from the clearing account or accounts. When this record is defined for the specific cash account–deposit account pair, users can post to the cash account from the specific clearing account.
CashAccountPaymentMethodDetail Links the CashAccount and PaymentMethodDetail DACs, and stores additional settings for a pair of a cash account and an entry type.
PaymentMethod Holds the settings of the payment method.
PaymentMethodAccount Links the CashAccount and PaymentMethod DACs and stores additional settings for a pair of a cash account and a payment method.
PaymentMethodDetail Stores the additional settings that are required to use the payment method.