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M-Powered Invoices > Using M-Powered Invoices > Reasons why some payments cannot be imported
The M-Powered Import Assist Activity report lists all errors that you may encounter during import. This will help you determine why a payment could not be imported. For more information, see The M-Powered Import Assist Activity Report.
Invoice matching errors
For a payment to be successfully imported, the invoice number contained in the M‑Powered Payment File must match an invoice transaction in the company file. Even if a matching invoice number is found, there is a number of reasons why a payment might not be imported:
Statement payment: A statement payment will be imported only if the value of the customer payment is less than or equal to the value of oldest invoice listed on the statement.
Invoice not found: An open invoice transaction or order with the number contained in the M‑Powered Payment File does not exist in the company file. Note that payments cannot be applied to quotes in the company file.
Invoice too old: The invoice or order to which the payment applies is more than 120 days old.
Duplicate invoice: There is more than one invoice or order with the same number in the company file.
Invoice overpaid: The payment amount is greater than the amount outstanding on the order or invoice in the company file.
Payment pre-dates invoice: The invoice in the company file was created after the date of the customer payment.
Payment file errors
If more than 75% of payments in the M‑Powered Payment File cannot be matched with the corresponding invoice transactions, the M‑Powered Payment File will not be imported. This is usually a sign that an incorrect company file has been selected.
If the payee number in the M‑Powered Payment File is not the same as the payee number entered in the company file, the M‑Powered Payment File cannot be imported.
If the M‑Powered Payment File has previously been imported (within the last 365 days), you will not be able to re-import it.
Transaction date and account errors
Payments dated before the beginning of the financial year may not be imported. Payments cannot be imported for periods prior to the financial year set in the company file. To view the company file’s current financial year, go to the Setup menu in your accounting software and choose Company Information.
Transactions dated before the Lock Period date may not be imported. Check the Lock Period preference set in the company file to make sure that you are not trying to import payments for a period that has been locked. See your software’s user guide or online help for more information about locking periods.
Deposit Account must have cheque privileges/Account number not found in list of postable accounts. Make sure that you have selected the correct Undeposited Funds account in the M-Powered Import Assist - Settings window before you start importing payments (see step 5 in To import customer payments).
Payment adjustment errors
corrections of Bpay payment errors by your customer

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