M-Powered Invoices > Using M-Powered Invoices > Recording the bank deposit
After you have recorded all your customer payments, you need to record the bank deposit details listed in the Payment Advice. Recording the bank deposit allows you to replicate the transactions that have occurred in your business bank account. This will help you when reconciling your business bank account.
Go to the Banking command centre and click Prepare Bank Deposit. The Prepare Bank Deposit window appears.
In the Deposit to Account field, select the bank account that matches the bank account number in the Bank Deposit section of your Payment Advice. This is the business bank account in which your money was deposited.
In the Select Receipts by field, select Payment Method. A field next to the Select Receipts by field appears.
Select MYOB Pay Services. The customer payments made through the M-Powered service are listed in the lower part of the Prepare Bank Deposit window.
Click in the Deposit column next to each customer payment you are depositing. The customer payments are listed in the Customer Payments section of your Payment Advice. The Total Deposit Amount field will automatically show the total of the marked payments.
Click Record.