Access Rights by User
Form ID: (SM201055)
On this form, you can view the actual access rights each user has to system objects. That is, the system calculates the actual level of access for objects that have the Not Set or Inherited levels. You can view access rights down to the level of specific form elements.
You can set access rights to system objects on the Access Rights by Screen (SM201020) and Access Rights by Role (SM201025) forms. For more information about setting up user access rights, see Managing User Access.
Summary Area
You use this area to select the login of the user whose access rights you want to review.
Element | Description |
Login | The login of the user whose access rights will be shown. |
Left Pane
In this pane, workspaces are represented as second-level nodes. Expand the node of any workspace and view the forms within that workspace. Expand the node of any form to view the list of containers, such as tabs and grids.
All wikis are represented by non-expandable nodes. You can set the access each role has to the wikis available in your company by using the Wiki Access by Role (SM202015) form. To view and update the map of any wiki, use the Wiki Site Map (SM202010) form. For details about managing access to wikis, see Wiki Access Management.
Right Pane
In this pane, you can view the access rights of the selected user for the objects contained in the node you have selected in the left pane.
The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.
Button | Description |
View Roles | Opens the View Roles dialog box, where you can view the list of roles assigned to the user selected in the Summary area. For each role, you can view the access rights given to the role for the object you selected in the table. If the user is assigned to multiple roles, the listed role with the most permissive level of access defines the access rights to the object for the user selected in the Summary area. |
Column | Description |
Description | The name of the object. |
Access Rights | The access rights of the selected user to the object. The user's access to the
object is determined by the most permissive level of access among the roles assigned
to the selected user. To view the list of roles assigned to the user, click the
View Roles button on the table toolbar or double-click the
object line in the table. For more information, see User Roles: Restriction Level Options. |
View Roles Dialog Box
This dialog box opens when you click the View Roles button. By using the dialog box, which includes the following elements, you can view the list of roles assigned to the user selected in the Summary area and the access rights of each role to the object selected in the table on the right pane of the form.
Element | Description |
The dialog box includes a table with the following columns. | |
Role | The identifier of a role assigned to the user selected in the Summary area. |
Initial Access Rights | The initial permissive level of access of the role to the object selected in the table on the right pane of the form. You can see this level on the Access Rights by Role (SM201025) and Access Rights by Screen (SM201020) forms. |
Computed Access Rights | The actual permissive level of access of the role to the object selected in the table on the right pane of the form. That is, the system calculates the actual level of access for roles that have the Not Set or Inherited levels. |
This dialog box has the following button. | |
Close | Closes the dialog box. |