Site Map
Form ID: (SM200520)
You use this form to view and edit the list of forms available in MYOB Advanced. Changes made on this form will affect the site map tree, which the system uses on other forms for clear representation of the main menu. For details about the site map tree, see UI Navigation Options: Site Map.
Wikis are not presented on the form. To view the map of any wiki, use the Wiki Site Map (SM202010) form.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Table Columns
In the table you can view and edit the details of the forms, including the URLs of the forms on the website, assigned workspaces and a category.
Column | Description |
Screen ID |
The screen ID of the item. You can modify the screen ID. When you have modified it, the system updates the screen ID in all related entities, such as filters and dashboards. |
Title | The name of the suite, module, tab of the navigation pane, section, or form displayed in the classic UI and the modern UI. |
The URL of the item. The URL is not specified for the third-level nodes (tabs of the navigation pane) and fourth-level nodes (groups on the tabs of the navigation pane). |
Graph Type |
The identifier of the system graph that provides the functionality for the item. You specify the graph type only for the fifth-level nodes (forms). |
Workspaces | The workspaces from which the form can be accessed. |
Category | The category under which the form will be displayed in a workspace. |
Is Substitute |
Read-only. A check box that indicates (if selected) that the form is substituted for some entry or maintenance form. For details, see Substitutes for Entry Forms. |