Receive and Put Away
Form ID: (PO302020)
On this form, you can perform the following automated warehouse operations: receiving items and putting them away. For each of these operations, the form has an appropriate working mode (Receive and Put Away, respectively), in which the form displays different tabs with information about the operation being performed.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.
Button | Description |
Reset | Resets the processing flow for the current document. When you invoke this action, the system preserves your progress for the confirmed lines, but not for any unconfirmed lines that were in progress. |
OK |
Confirms the line that is currently being processed. In Receive mode, this button is shown only if the Use Explicit Line Confirmation check box is selected on the Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form. |
Remove | Activates Remove mode, in which you can remove the specified item quantity for the currently selected line. |
Set Qty | Specifies the quantity entered by a user as the quantity for the currently selected line if the Use Default Quantity check box is cleared on the Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form; specifies the quantity entered by a user for a current line as the quantity to be used in all lines of the document that is currently being processed if the Use Default Quantity check box is selected on the form. |
Release Receipt |
Releases the purchase receipt you are currently processing and marks as completed its lines that have been received in full. This button is available only in Receive mode. |
Complete PO Lines |
Releases the purchase receipt you are currently processing and marks all its lines as completed. This button is available only in Receive mode. |
Release Transfer |
Releases the inventory transfer prepared for the purchase document you are currently processing. This button is available only in Put Away mode. |
User Settings | Opens the Settings dialog box, in which you can specify your personal user settings for the current working mode. |
Element | Description |
The General section of the dialog box has the following elements, in which you specify your personal processing settings for the automated warehouse operations performed on the current form. |
Use Default Auto-Generated Lot/ Serial Nbr. | A check box that indicates (if selected) that you can skip the entry of lot or serial numbers when receiving serialized items; the system generates lot or serial numbers for these items automatically. If the check box is cleared, you manually enter a lot or serial number for each lot- or serial-tracked item being received. |
Use Default Expiration Date | A check box that indicates (if selected) that you can skip the entry of the expiration date when receiving serialized items; the system specifies the expiration date for these items automatically. If the check box is cleared, you manually enter an expiration date for each lot- or serial-tracked item being received. |
Use Single Receiving Location | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system asks for the receiving location only once for each purchase receipt being processed; all items are being received to this location. If the check box is cleared, the system requires you to specify a receiving location for each item being received. |
The Printing section of the dialog box has the following elements, in which you specify your personal settings for printing documents. |
Print Inventory Labels Automatically |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system automatically prints inventory labels, by using the DeviceHub application, for the purchase receipt being processed. This box is available only if the DeviceHub feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS101000) form. |
Print Purchase Receipts Automatically |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system, by using the DeviceHub application, automatically prints purchase receipts you have processed. This box is available only if the DeviceHub feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
This dialog box has the following buttons. | |
Save | Closes the dialog box and applies the selected options. |
Cancel | Closes the dialog box without applying the changes. |
Summary Area
The Summary area contains the information about the document that is currently being processed and the notification area, which contains information about the mode of the form and the last performed operation.
Column | Description |
Scan |
A box in which you can enter commands to initiate operations and switch between working modes. The results of barcode scanning are also entered automatically into this box. This is the only entry box on the form. For the list of commands supported in each mode, see Working Modes and Supported Commands. |
Receipt Nbr. | The reference number of the purchase receipt you are currently processing. |
Cart ID |
A box that displays the ID of the currently selected cart. This box is shown only if the Use Carts for Putting Away check box is selected on the Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form. |
Transfer Ref. Nbr. |
A box that displays the reference number of the inventory transfer document that has been prepared for putting away the items from the purchase receipt from receiving location to locations where these items are stored. This box is shown in Put Away mode only. |
Notification Area | Two to three lines of information generated by the system, generally displaying information about the working mode or last performed operation and how you should proceed. |
Manual View | A check box that indicates (if selected) that manual view is activated on the form. In manual view, the Receive, Put Away, and Transfers tabs are displayed, so you can review information about all the processing steps that you have already performed for the currently selected purchase receipt. You should leave this check box cleared (the default setting) if you are working in any of the automated modes by using a barcode scanner. |
Cart Unloading | A check box that indicates (if selected) that Cart Unloading mode, in which the user puts away the items from cart, is enabled. |
Remove Mode | A check box that indicates (if selected) that Remove mode is currently active. |
Receive Tab
This tab shows the lines of the purchase document that is currently being processed. The lines in the table on this tab are highlighted in bold when they have been processed partially, and in green when they have been processed in full.
This tab is available if the Display the Receive Tab check box is selected on the Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form, and you are working in Receive mode.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
PO Order Type | The order type of the order for which the currently selected purchase receipt was prepared. |
PO Order Nbr. | The reference number of the purchase order for which the current line is being received. |
Inventory ID | The inventory ID of the item that is being received. |
Transaction Descr. | The description of the inventory item. |
Lot/Serial Nbr. | The lot or serial number of the item that is being received. |
Expiration Date | The expiration date of the inventory item that is being received. |
Warehouse | The warehouse in which the item is being received. |
Location | The location to which the item is being received. |
Received Qty. | The quantity of the item that has been received. |
Quantity | The quantity of the item as specified in the purchase receipt. |
UOM | The base unit of measure of the item. |
Put Away Tab
This tab shows the lines of the purchase document that is currently being processed. The lines in the table on this tab are highlighted in bold when they have been processed partially, and in green when they have been processed in full.
This tab is available if the Display the Put Away Tab check box is selected on the Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form, and you are working in Put Away mode.
Button | Description |
Transfer Line Details | Opens the Transfer Line Details dialog box, which displays the list of locations and item quantities to be put away in these locations for the line currently selected in the table. |
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Matched | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the line fits the currently selected processing options. |
PO Order Type | The order type of the order for which the currently selected purchase receipt was prepared. |
PO Order Nbr. | The reference number of the purchase order that contains the line that is being put away. |
Inventory ID | The inventory ID of the item that is being put away. |
Transaction Descr. | The description of the inventory item. |
Lot/Serial Nbr. | The lot or serial number of the lot- or serial-tracked item. |
Expiration Date | The expiration date of the lot- or serial-tracked item. |
Warehouse | The warehouse in which the item was received. |
Location | The location to which the item was received. |
To Location ID | The destination location to which the item is being put away. |
Put Away Qty. | The item quantity to be put away in the destination location. |
Cart Qty. |
The quantity of items in the current cart to be put away. This column is shown only if the Use Carts for Putting Away check box is selected on the Purchase Orders Preferences form. |
Overall Cart Qty. |
The overall quantity of items in the cart by all purchase receipts being processed. This column is shown only if the Use Carts for Putting Away check box is selected on the Purchase Orders Preferences form. |
Quantity | The quantity of the received items. |
UOM | The base unit of measure of the item. |
Column | Description |
Transfer Ref. Nbr. | The reference number of the inventory transfer document to be processed for putting away the items to the destination locations. |
Inventory ID | The inventory ID of the item that is being put away. |
Location | The location to which the item was received. |
To Location ID | The location to which the item is being put away. |
Lot/Serial Nbr. | The lot or serial number of the item. |
Quantity | The quantity of the item to be put away in the destination location. |
UOM | The base unit of measure of the item. |
This dialog box has the following button. | |
Save | Closes the dialog box and applies the selected options. |
Cancel | Closes the dialog box without applying the changes. |
Transfers Tab
The tab displays the list of transfer documents that the system prepares for the purchase document currently being processed to record the movement of items from the receiving location to the specific locations where the items are stored.
This tab is available if the Display the Put Away Tab check box is selected on the Purchase Orders Preferencesform, and you are working in Put Away mode.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Reference Nbr. | The reference number of the inventory transfer. |
Status | The current status of the inventory transfer (On Hold, Balanced, or Released). |
Transfer Type | The type of the transfer. |
Date | The date of the transfer. |
Post Period | The post period of the transfer. |
From Warehouse | The warehouse from which the goods are transferred. |
Total Qty. | The total quantity of transferred items. |
Batch Nbr. | The reference number of the general ledger batch generated on release of the inventory transfer. |
Scan Log Tab
This tab displays the history of the latest performed operations. The tab is available if the Display the Scan Log Tab check box is selected on the Purchase Orders Preferences(PO101000) form.
Column | Description |
Time | The date and time when the operation was performed. |
Mode | The mode that was active when the operation was performed. |
Prompt | The message describing the operation to be performed (as was shown in the notification area). |
Scan | The command that was entered in the Scan box, or the barcode that was scanned. |
Message | The result of the operation (as was shown in the notification area). |