Import Timesheets
Form ID: (MPPP7030)
The Import Timesheets form lets you import batches of timesheet data into the Payroll module and map them according to the data maps set up on the Data Maps (MPPP7020) form. This data can be imported from an external timesheeting system as an Excel file, or imported from the Employee Time Cards feature in MYOB Advanced.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes form-specific buttons, listed below.
Element | Description |
Actions | Provides the following actions:
Summary Area
This area lets you choose the timesheet data batch to edit and displays summary information about the batch.
Element | Description |
Batch number | The unique ID code for the batch. |
Data source type | The data source type that will be used to map records in the timesheet data to entities in the MYOB Advanced system. |
Imported row count | The total number of rows that have been imported into the batch. |
Total file rows | The total number of rows in the import file. If this value differs from the Imported row count, it may meant that some rows were not successfully imported. |
Total quantity | The total of all values in the Quantity column of each row. |
Total amount | The total of all values in the Amount column of each row. |
No. of employees | The total number of unique employee records in the imported data. |
No. of pay items | The total number of unique pay item records in the imported data. |
No. of sub accounts | The total number of unique sub accounts in the imported data. |
Pay date range | The earliest and latest pay dates recorded across all imported data. |
Matched employees | The number of employees successfully matched to employee records in the MYOB Advanced system. |
Matched pay items | The number of pay items successfully matched to pay item records in the MYOB Advanced system. |
Matched sub accounts | The number of sub accounts successfully matched to sub accounts in the MYOB Advanced system. |
Timesheet Details Table
This table displays details of each row in the imported timesheet data. Once data mapping has been run, it also displays details of the MYOB Advanced records that each row has been mapped to.
Element | Description |
Ext. employee ID | The employee ID code from the imported timesheet/time card record. |
Ext. employee name | The employee name from the imported timesheet/time card record. |
Ext. pay item ID | The pay item ID code from the imported timesheet/time card record. |
Ext. sub account | The sub account ID code from the imported timesheet/time card record. |
Timesheet date | The date from the imported timesheet/time card record. |
Quantity | The quantity recorded for "Rated" pay items from the imported timesheet/time card record. |
Amount | The amount recorded for "Amount" pay items from the imported timesheet/time card record. |
Employee ID | The ID code of the employee record in the MYOB Advanced system that the row was mapped to. |
Employee name | The name of the employee record in the MYOB Advanced system that the row was mapped to. |
Pay Item ID | The ID code of the pay item record in the MYOB Advanced system that the row was mapped to. |
Pay Item Description | The description of the pay item record in the MYOB Advanced system that the row was mapped to. |
Sub account ID | The ID code of the subaccount in the MYOB Advanced system that the row was mapped to. |
Project | The ID code of the project in the MYOB Advanced system that the row was mapped to. |
Project Task | The ID code of the project task in the MYOB Advanced system that the row was mapped to. |
Inventory Item | The ID code of the inventory item in the MYOB Advanced system that the row was mapped to. |
Pay effective date | The date recorded for the row, which will be used to determine which pay run(s) it can be imported into. |
Pay run ID | For rows that have been successfully imported into a pay run, this column displays the ID code of the pay run that the was imported into. |
Status | This column displays any errors or warning messages that may result from the import/mapping process. |
Summary Table
This table displays a summary of the imported timesheet data grouped by Employee, Pay Item
and Subaccount.
Note: This table only reports on the imported external data, and is not
indicative of what will be imported into a pay run - this purpose of this view is to help
you confirm that all data was correctly imported.
Element | Description |
Ext. employee ID | The employee ID code from the imported timesheet/time card record |
Ext. employee name | The employee name from the imported timesheet/time card record. |
Ext. pay item ID | The pay item ID code from the imported timesheet/time card record. |
Ext. sub account | The sub account ID code from the imported timesheet/time card record. |
Quantity | The quantity recorded for "Rated" pay items from the imported timesheet/time card record. |
Amount | The amount recorded for "Amount" pay items from the imported timesheet/time card record. |