Entitlement Adjustment Details
Form ID: (MP.PP.44.01)
The Entitlement Adjustment Details form shows details of all adjustments to the selected entitlement that have been amde for the selected employee.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Summary Area
This area lets you filter the main table, and shows a summary of all adjustments over the selected period.
Element | Description |
Employee ID | Select the employee whose entitlement adjustments you want to view. |
Entitlement | Select the entitlement that you want to view adjustments for. |
Include Unreleased Documents | Tick this check box to include entitlement adjustment records that have not yet been released from the Entitlement Adjustments (MPPP3000) form. |
Start Date End Date | Select a start and end dates to filter the main table by. Only entitlement adjustment records that fall within the selected range will be displayed. |
Opening Balance | This read-only field displays the employee's balance of the selected entitlement as at the selected Start Date. |
Earned | This read-only field displays the amount of the entitlement that was earned over the selected date range. |
Accrued | This read-only field displays the amount of the entitlement that was accrued over the selected date range. |
Closing Balance | This read-only field displays the employee's balance of the selected entitlement as at the selected End Date. |
Main Table
The main table shows the details of entitlement adjustments for the selected employee and entitlement that fall within the selected date range.
Element | Description |
Type | The type of entitlment transaction, which will be one of:
Reference Nbr | The unique ID code of the record associated with the adjustment. For
adjustments created on the Entitlement Adjustments (MPPP3000) form, this
will be the ID of the transaction batch created for the adjustment; for adjustments
created as part of a pay run, this will be the ID of the pay run. Clicking on the ID
code opens the record on the Entitlement Adjustments form or Pay Run Details form as appropriate. Note: Prior to MYOB Advanced 2020.3, records were not saved for entitlement adjustments. For adjustments
made in a version of MYOB Advanced earlier than 2020.3, there will be no record to link to in this
column. |
Description | Descriptive text for the adjustment, as entered on the Entitlement Adjustments (MPPP3000) form. |
Status | The adjustment's current status, which will be one of:
Transaction Date | The date on the adjustment transaction. |
Post Period | The GL period that the adjustment transaction was posted to. |
Open Balance | The balance of the entitlement prior to the entitlement adjustment. |
Accrual | The Accrual amount of the adjustment. |
Earned | The Earned amount of the adjustment. |
Closing Balance | The balance of the entitlement after the entitlement adjustment. |
Transaction Quantity | The amount of the transaction. |
Entitlement Movement Reason | The reason why the entitlement transaction was generated. This will be one