To Modify a File Data Provider
You can use the Data Providers (SM206015) form to modify existing data providers.
If the data source has changed—for example, if you have added a column to the Excel file—you have to update the data provider. To update the data provider, you have to replace the file attached to the provider on the Data Providers (SM206015) form and update the provider schema.
To Modify a File Data Provider
- On the Data Providers (SM206015) form, select the provider that you want to modify, and on the form title bar, click Files.
- In the Files dialog box, click
Edit to the right of the file name.
Clicking Edit opens the File Maintenance form (SM202510), which displays the details of the file attachment.
- On the form toolbar, click Check Out to make the file unavailable to other users for editing while you are updating it. You may skip this step if no other users can work with this file simultaneously.
- Click Get Latest Version on the form toolbar, and
download the file. Open the file and modify it. Save the edited version to your
computer.Note: You do not necessarily have to download the file first; you can just upload a new version and skip this step.
- On the form toolbar of the File Maintenance form,
click Upload New Version to open the File
Upload dialog box, and upload the edited version of the file
into the system. If you checked the file out, select the Check
In check box to make the file available for editing to other
On the Versions tab, notice the list of available file versions (see the screenshot below). If necessary, you could download or restore the needed file version. To download a file version, select the needed version and click View Selected Version on the table toolbar. Then you can upload the file as a new version. To delete a file version, click Delete Row on the table toolbar.
- Close the File Maintenance form and the Files dialog box to resume work on the Data Providers (SM206015) form.
- On the Schema tab, on the toolbar of the Source Fields pane, click Fill Schema Objects. The system updates the list of available objects. Make sure the Active check box is selected for all objects that you need to use for data import or data export.
- For each active source object, select the object on the Source Fields pane and click Fill Schema Fields on the toolbar of the Source Fields pane. The system updates the list of available fields. Make sure the Active check box is selected for all fields that you need to use for data import or data export.
- Click Save on the form toolbar.