Dead Stock
Form ID: (IN405500)
On this form, you can search for inventory items in stock that have not been moved during a certain period of time—that is, the items that have not been added to sales orders, transfers, IN issues, kit assemblies, and other documents that affect the quantity on hand—during the period of time specified in the Selection area of the form. To calculate the quantity of dead stock items, the system deducts the quantity of items in sales orders (including field service orders and production orders), shipments, and other documents that affect the quantity on hand from the quantity of items that have remained in stock for the specified time period.
The following rules apply to the stock items that can be listed on this inquiry form:
- If the Cost Separately check box is selected on the Locations tab of the Warehouses (IN204000) form for a warehouse, the system calculates the cost of an item for the warehouse, not for the location.
- If a stock item has subitems, the system shows information without subitem details.
This form is available only if the Inventory feature within the Inventory and Order Management group of features is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Form Toolbar
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Selection Area
By using this area, you can specify criteria for the inventory items to be shown in the table.
Element | Description |
Warehouse | The warehouse in which the items are situated, by ID. This box is empty by default. The box is mandatory to view the list of items. |
Item Class | The class of the items to be shown. |
Inventory ID | The identifier of the item. |
Select By | The mode of filtering. The following options are available:
In Stock For | Number of days the stock items defined as a dead stock are stored in the warehouse. |
No Sales For | Number of days the stock items defined as a dead stock have not been sold. |
In Stock Since | A date from which the system defines the stock items stored in the warehouse as a dead stock. |
No Sales Since | A date from which the system defines the stock items that are not sold as a dead stock. |
Column | Description |
Warehouse |
The ID of the warehouse in which the stock items are situated. |
Item ID |
The identifier of the stock item. |
Description |
The description of the stock item. |
In Stock Qty. |
The quantity of stock item on hand. |
Dead Stock Qty. |
The quantity of stock items calculated as a dead stock. |
Base Unit |
The base unit of measure (UOM) in which the quantity of the stock item is specified. |
In Dead Stock (days) |
The average number of days the stock items are located in stock. |
Last Purchase Date |
The date of the last purchase receipt that was released for the stock item. |
Last Sale Date |
The date of the last sales document that was released for the stock item and for which a transaction of the Invoice or Debit Memo type was posted. |
Last Cost |
The cost of the stock item in the last released inventory receipt. |
Total Dead Stock Cost |
Total cost of dead stock items. |
Dead Stock Item Average Cost |
The average cost of stock items calculated as dead stock. |
Currency |
The base currency of the stock item. |