Account Classes
Form ID: (GL202000)
On this form, you can create new account classes, and maintain and view the list of account classes in the system. MYOB Advanced provides predefined account classes that can be modified if needed. Account classes are used for convenient grouping, sorting, and filtering of information associated with General Ledger accounts in reports and inquiries. For details, see Chart of Accounts.
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The table holds the list of account classes defined in the system.
Column | Description |
Account Class ID | An alphanumeric string of up to 20 characters identifying the account class. The ID cannot be changed after it has been associated with the account on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form. |
Type | The type of the accounts in this class, which is one of the following four types: Asset, Liability, Income, or Expense. |
Description | A description of the account class. A string of up to 60 characters can be used. |